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Monday, November 2, 2020

Studio C Welcomes Me To The Field

What's up everyone!!! This email is being sent from my beautiful living area in Salt Lake City Utah! Also it's being sent from my loaner Samsung phone that is garbage so it takes forever to type. So get ready for my email quality to go downhill until I get to Japan, hopefully. 

I woke up at 2:30 am to get ready to leave for the airport.
Big hug from dad
Farewell momma and dad
Hug with Chloe

Hug with Cooper
Tearful hug goodbye with Nathan.
3 am goodbyes at the Yakima airport.

See you in 21 months!

I made it to Salt Lake City!!!
These are all the missionaries that arrived the same day as I did at the SLC mission.  There are currently 300 missionaries serving in this mission and only 90 of them were actually called to this mission originally.
I made it!!

Haha...jokes on you. I live in a hotel. It's called the Staybridge Suites in Midvale Utah.  There are three hotel rooms that the missionaries live in at this hotel.  I know...weird. But it's not that bad. In fact there are some perks to it. We get free breakfast most days (breakfast sandwiches and fruit) and get some other things like towels and TP. So that's sick. BUT we don't have an oven or a working dishwasher. And we have no cleaning supplies so it was kinda dirty when I got here but I helped clean it up quite a bit. Oh and we only have two beds so that is weird that the church didn't think about that. But luckily Elder Seachriest misses Japan so he chose to sleep on the ground.  We have two burners, a microwave, refrigerator, and a blender.  Any ideas on what I can cook?

My companions:
The Trio

Elder Seachriest is from Puyallup WA, served Tokyo South, Japan for 13 months and is going home in like five weeks. He likes not eating sometimes for some reason and is really good at Japanese. I have learned a lot from him. 

Elder Leon is from Eugene OR and has been in SLC for like 4 months. He is also called to Tokyo South and is super excited to leave and get to Japan haha. He is technically training me but so is Elder Seachriest. 
Elder Leon in our hotel room.

We saw the guy Adam from Studio C on my first day out in Utah. That was crazy!

One of my companions just "fasts" all the time. He like never eats and it doesn't even phase him. He said one time he went for like four months without really eating anything. Weird. Sometimes we just skip some meals. I miss eating three full meals a day. So pray for me that I will be healthy and have money. 
We made tacos one night!

We don't have any music rules so that us cool but we have lots of other kinda stupid rules. So we listen to a lot of "Baby Metal" and Kanye. If you don't know what Baby Metal is then you should listen to it. It's kind of weird and very interesting. I don't like it but my companions do so I suffer through. Sometimes it's not that bad. Also, if you have any good songs downloaded that I should listen to then you should send them to me please. Please.

We had two baptisms this week! We were late to our own baptism because we went to get Legos for the boy getting baptized but then the other set of Elders were being dumb and not telling us if they had them and we were a little late. It was sweet having two baptisms this week though. 
Prepping the baptismal font

Baptism of eight year old boy
A really special day!

I love teaching and serving people a lot. It's so much fun and just awesome.  We are assigned over the Japanese branch and three English wards in Holladay.  Due to COVID we are not allowed to eat at members homes right now.

I went to the Jordan River temple today and that was really awesome. I was also able to go out to lunch with Alex and dad so that was awesome. 
It was so wonderful to be with Alex and my dad a the temple

Big daddy hug!

Due to all the COVID restrictions I was only able to have two people with me at the temple.  My mom gave her spot up for Alex to be able to come with me.  I was able to FaceTime my mom at the temple and during lunch.  After lunch my dad and Alex dropped me off with one last goodbye hug. 

I got to talk to Alysee too!

I will attach a picture of the notes I took on my flight from Washington to Utah. Please read them. There are some funny things I saw and it was also a good time. But you might need a urim and thummin to translate it. Best of luck.
Super bad quality picture of my notes I took while flying from Yakima to SLC.

Speaking Japanese is fun. I can't wait to get to Japan but it's also sweet serving in Utah. 

Song of the week: 
"Hey Mama" by Kanye West. This song is really good and reminds me of home. I miss my mommy too.

Elder Ditto


  1. We're trying to read your airplane notes but we decided that maybe we should practice indexing first and then try That's too bad there aren't music rules - I'm afraid Baby Metal does not bring the spirit, at least for me. I had to tell Alexa to 'stop' after 60 seconds!=) Hope you can get 3 meals a day! Is the mission nurse concerned about your comp not eating? So glad you got to be at the temple with your dad and brother - pretty special. Have a great week!

  2. Sorry I couldn’t decipher the notes. All I could get was you met a lady who was going to Mexico???
    How wonderful you were able to go to the temple with your dad and Alex!

  3. Now I know what Reformed Egyptian looks like even if we don't have a urim and thummin to translate it. Just wait till you're writing in Kanji. Surely you can do better with those music choices...think of all the good, inspiring music your mom has been streaming from the kitchen all these years. So proud of you for your willing attitude to make the most of a compromised circumstance. Love you!
