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Monday, June 20, 2022

Praying with Elder Holland

Elder Holland came to speak to our mission. Yup. It was awesome. I even got the opportunity to say the closing prayer and shake Elder Holland's hand. It was a great experience. 
Me and the Book of Mormon 

Let me share a few other highlights first though: 

All the Elders from MLC

- Last MLC (mission leadership council) with the Priers (because they are returning home from their mission). Super sad. We had a yummy BBQ and all the training went smoothly (for the most part)
We had some crazy weather this week. One included this large sagebrush. 

- Someone thought I was from Argentina cuz of my Spanish accent!!! Ya for real. No cap. It was one of the best parts of my Spanish mission haha 

- Saw a scary motorcycle accident...the bike was in like five different pieces 
Elder Martinez, Elder Scott and I

- Taught a Russian guy and he took a shot of Vodka (straight from the bottle) in the middle of the lesson... not expected ðŸ˜‚
Spikeball while waiting for someone we are teaching to come to the college

- Spent more time than we would have liked in the office compiling a mission history of all the transfer boards

- We are teaching this AMAZING girl who wants to follow Christ so bad. She needs some extra prayers for support from others. 
 The whole mission at Elder Holland's devotional 

Okay, now I wanna talk for a second about the Devotional on Saturday. It was with the whole USLCM (Utah Salt Lake City Mission), President and Sister Prier, the MLS couples, Elder Cook, President Pearson, and a few other guests. I learned a lot about the high expectations we are held to as missionaries, and why, especially as a return missionary. Elder Holland also talked a lot about the importance of the morning hours. He said that if he looks at our mornings from 6:30am-9:30am, then he can tell how our day/week/month/year/life will go. I would have to agree. Whenever I have really good mornings and study well...then my days are usually better. We learned a lot together. 

I know that Elder Holland is an apostle of the Lord and that he helps the prophet of God lead the church. This is Christ's church on earth, and we can find peace and happiness through following His teachings. 

My dad and I in Squamish, BC in 2019.

Last thing — Happy late Father's Day! I am so grateful for my dad. He is a beast. 

Song of the Week:
- Religious Man (from Nacho Libre)

Scripture of the Week:
- D&C 100:6 — 
For it shall be agiven you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say.
- This was shared at the devotional on Saturday, and I thought it was appropriate to share it here. I know that this promise comes only when we do our part and study the doctrine. I have seen that as I study and pray hard, then I have help from the Spirit while teaching and sharing the gospel. 

Elder Ditto 

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