Howdy partners!
I hope everyone had a splendid week. To quote my companion: "out of all of the weeks of the MTC, this surely has of them." Powerful words given by Byron III himself.
Not many new things happen here at the YBOMTC (Yakima Basement Online MTC), so I have found myself becoming entertained very stupid things. For example; earlier this week, I was facetiming one of the Elders in my district and we were talking about how I finally printed off this paper called "the green card" (this is basically just a piece of paper that is chalk-full of Japanese language and grammar rules that is all in romaji). I was given this paper before the MTC even started, yet I still had failed to print it off. Which really isn't a big deal, but it is a super helpful resource, so I have so just been holding myself back;) Anyways, he brought up how his printer can print things from his phone, and we were talking about how cool it is that printers can do that so fast. Then I was telling him how insanely fast our new printer that we just got could print. Given the fact that I felt he didn't quite understand the extent of my printer's speed, I found myself proving it to him by pressing print on my computer downstairs, sprinting upstairs, placing a piece of paper in the printer and then watching this speed printer do its work.
Let me tell ya, this printer is wicked fast.
I then proceeded to talk up how cool it was that the printer could print so fast as I walked back downstairs. It was at that moment that I realized what being a missionary and staring at a screen for 8+ hours a day had done to me...
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The "green card" |
Please send me help. Any suggestions of forms of entertainment are welcomed😁
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Lots of zoom "pranks" were pulled this week |
This week a big focus in our classes and lesson we taught was teaching with happiness, power, and not worrying about speaking perfect Japanese. The way that one of our teachers informed us of this new goal was surely an interesting one tho... She basically started off by telling the whole class about how we need to be better at teaching in our TRC's (Teaching Resource Center), etc. She then told us that she would be attempting to teach one of the Elders in our district in Spanish. And let me tell you; she can not speak spanish. I thought I was bad at spanish, but after hearing that lesson, I was convinced of the contrary. Then she said she would be teaching one of us in Japanese. This lesson was just about as painful to watch, if not worse. This was because she was speaking very very broken Japanese, teaching with no conviction, she seemed all mad, etc. Basically the whole time it seemed like she was just roasting (for the older folk: making fun of us) the whole class and I was honestly kinda mad at the end of the lesson. I really could not see what point she was trying to get across. Then one Elders who is definitely more Christlike than me said something along the lines of "Wow I can totally see that when I teach I need to smile more, and make the person we are teaching know that we care about them and are engaged in the lesson." After he said that, I immediately regretted a lot of the things I had though during the fake lesson.
Even though I still do not think that it was the best way to teach the principle she was trying to get across, I did learn something from that lesson. From then on, I have been working on not worrying about speaking perfect Japanese, and making sure I smile more when I am teaching and even struggling while speaking a language that I have only been speaking for 7 weeks 😊
This past P day, I was able to go on a fun little hike with my family. We hiked up to Edgar Rock and then went out for burgers after. It was super fun, and we even found Edgar! I was also able to help Nate and Coop go shopping for some more supplies of another quarter pipe we are building!
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My momma and me |
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Love my dad! |
Okay I've got one last story to close this email. The other day, Nathan came up to me and told me that he had some crazy news to tell me.
Just a quick preface: If you have ever slept in the same room as me, you know that sometimes I like to sleep talk (idk for sure tho, cuz I have never heard it myself...). For example, my college roommate, Gavin, used to write down some of the weird or funny things I would say in my sleep, and I am sure he is saving them for some devious plan. But that's besides the point.
He then told me about how the other night I had gone to sleep earlier and when him and Cooper were going to bed, they noticed that I was talking in my sleep. After a few moments of analysis, they reckoned that I was speaking in Japanese!! WOAH. I was shocked to find this out, and also kinda excited. My hope is that in my dreams I speak perfect Japanese and am fluent in the language. Of course, there is no real way to prove my hypothesis, but I will continue to live my fantasy.
Songs of the Week:
You lucky ducklings are getting two new songs to jam to this week!!
This song is mostly dedicated to my mom since she became obsessed with this song this week, and played it on repeat for basically 48 hours straight. So I had to share it with you all. Plus it really is a good song and has a great meaning behind it, especially when you think about God being your sanctuary.
IPlayYouListen by ODESZA. Shoutout to Elder Scow for reminding me of this song. I especially love Odesza when I am stressed out and need to listen to some upbeat music with no words haha.
Missionary music is limited, but not too limited. Keep on sending me any music suggestions you have, and maybe you'll even get featured on an email😀
And don't forget to watch General Conference this weekend!! It's a chance to hear our living prophet speak to the world and it will be full of positive messages. It's on Saturday and Sunday. Go here to watch it.
P.S. Sorry for the sorta clickbait title....
Elder Ditto
Well, you had me going there for a minute! I've heard it's good news when you start dreaming in your new language so congrats!! Keep up the good work!!