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Monday, November 30, 2020

👵Grandma Mullets👵

 I hope you all had an awesome week and an AMAZING Thanksgiving. 

Thanksgiving in SLC:
Wow this year's Turkey Day was way different than normal... Every year i get way stoked for the annual turkey bowl and getting to pull out my cleats that I don't get to wear that often. Then after a long game of football and sometimes some ultimate frisbee after, we would head back home to all the fam and start to get ready for the big feast. Then we would eat and hang out with family for the rest of the day.

This year's Thanksgiving went a little something like this: 

Woke up and got ready for the day. Then we did some of our studies and left to pick up the food that was provided by the mission (since we aren't allowed to eat with people due to covid right now), and headed to a church building for district council. Then we ate the food from Golden Corral (it was actually pretty good) and had some really interesting conversations.... my district is pretty interesting. I mostly just sat there and listened to whatever they were talking about. 
Video calling Mom and Dad on thanksgiving 

After the dinner I got to call my family and that was awesome. Then that afternoon/evening we just did a little more studying and went out and walked our English area (which is only 6 blocks by 6 blocks) because no members would meet with us since it's thanksgiving and they want to hang out with their family (weird...right).
Overall thanksgiving was pretty good.👍

Living in a car: 🛵
Since we are over a language area and there are not many Japanese members right near us, we get to travel quite a bit to visit Japanese referrals (people who want to hear a message of hope and their friend or family tells us about them) or members of the dai ichi ward. It's pretty fun getting to go far but also kinda annoying because we have to spend so much time in the car. We usually spend that time sending texts to people we want to visit or people who we are just trying to get into contact in general. We also listen to a lot of music so the music I have can get old fast. 
Kobeeeeeeeeee. Hopefully I will go there one day 

Some of the places we visited the past week or so include: Lehi, Holladay, Draper, Temple Square area, Bountiful, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Little Cottonwood Canyon, West Jordan, Murray, Sandy, and more. We even had a member ask us to visit one of their friends who wanted the Japanese missionaries to come to their house, but they live in Las Vegas.... So we had to tell them that was a little too far sadly haha. I definitely feel blessed to get to see all around Utah when most missionaries aren't allowed to do so.

pday basketball 

Granny Mullet:
We visited the Suzuki's and they are way cool. They all live together as an extended fam in one house so that's cool. Plus Sister Suzuki has like the gnarliest mullet ever. It was seriously the definition of mullet. I wish I got a pic. And she's a white, American grandma, so just try to imagine that. Imagine your gma with just the nappiest mullet ever. Side note: grannie and ami - I am glad you dont have a mullet like that, but it would be pretty insane. 🙆‍♀️🙅‍♂️

Becoming a Hair Stylist:
I cut Elder Leon's and Elder Seachriest's hair this week and that was pretty cool. 
Fading up Elder Leon

I'm actually pretty proud of both of the cuts too. Elder Seachriest's was super easy because it was way short and Elder Leon's wasn't too bad either. I faded him up a bit too. I have now cut a real good amount of people hair, so I'm basically a hair dresser or barber or whatever it's called. Call me if you ever have any cosmetic questions💇‍♂️💇‍♀️

Elder Leon got covid:😷
Well we thought he did... turns out he just had some...well...lets just say bad times in the bathroom. Poor guy. Tuesday afternoon he started to not feel good, and was experiencing some issues in the baño, so we decided to call the mission nurse to make sure he didn't have covid or anything. She told him to go on this diet to help see if maybe that would fix the problem. He started to feel better that night and by Wednesday he said he felt back to normal so that's good. We think it was just one of the breakfast sandwiches that the hotel gives us for breakfast that sits out all morning basically, that gave him the issue🏃‍♂️... Moral of the story: don't eat old and warm freezer breakfast sandwiches! 

Praying With My Dawg:
Visiting the Abe's. They are such a fun family and have so many dogs that they treat like kids. It's crazy 

We also visited the Christman's this week and shared a message with them about Christ's love. After the message, we said a prayer and they have some crazy dogs. During the whole lesson they were jumping, fighting, and biting. Anyways, while we were praying, the extra crazy dog was jumping on my and biting my crotch. My dawg later moved up to my ears and then by the end of the prayer the dog was hitching a piggie-back ride. 🐕🐖
Selfie with MTC teacher Sister Peterson! 

Oh and also on Sunday, we were visiting some people in Draper, and drove by my MTC teacher walking her grandmas dog! It was crazy seeing sister Peterson in person. We got to talk for a bit, and it was super cool seeing her. 

I want to say thank you for all the support, love, and prayers that have been sent my way. You guys are all the best, and I am grateful for each of you. I'm so proud of all of my fellow missionary friends, and for the people at home rooting for us missionaries. Love you all!


Scripture of the Week:
- Mosiah 4:27 (The Book of Mormon)
27 And see that all these things are done in wisdom and aorder; for it is not requisite that a man should run bfaster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.

I read this scripture during personal study the other day and i really love the message behind it and the different parts that are included in it. It's such a good reminder that Christ and Heavenly Father are on our side and will continue to help us grow and become better people. I also liked how it talks about doing things in order and how being organized is how God works. I liked this because I am a pretty organized person and have noticed that there are so many good things that go along with being organized. Such a good scripture, and I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

Song of the Week:
Glorious by David Archuleta OR the One Voice Children's Choir that does it. 

This song is so so so good. Seriously amazing. And I was listening to it on the way to a church building on Thanksgiving (which honestly was a super super tough day) and hadn't really thought too much of the words before. But this time they really hit hard. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, so just go ahead and give it another listen or your first listen and let me know what you think. I know God loves each and every one of you.

Stay stoked,
Elder Ditto💥

Here is the address for where to send mail and packages, since some people have been asking:

Elder Tyler Ditto
Utah Salt Lake Mission
3487 S 1300 E, West Entrance
Salt Lake City, UT   84106

1 comment:

  1. I love that song as well, Tyler. I have the piano music and I love to play it. I hear those words and it makes me realize that we truly are Heavenly Father's "work and glory"; His greatest creation. How blessed we are to know that. And you are being given a great opportunity to help others to see that they too are glorious. Stay strong Tyler!
