Email Tyler at

Monday, December 7, 2020

Putting Your Trust In The Lord


I hope you all had an awesome week and are enjoying the Christmas Season. I love Christmas music, and me and Elder Leon (Elder Seachriest leaves for home this Wednesday) will be bumping it till the 26th hopefully. ðŸŒ²ðŸŽ…

Home court training (both Japanese and ping pong)

Ping pong training for when we get to play Kotatsu one of these days.... 

This last Sunday was fast Sunday and the two wards we went too were super good. Church is like my absolute favorite now, and I really look forward to it. I am so grateful for church, and especially being able to attend in person church. In the Daiichi ward, there were some great testimonies shared, and two of my favorite quotes from them are from two of the young men that spoke. 

"Shoutout to ma' bois *points to the young men helping pass and bless the sacrament* for being so awesome. Also I wanna shoutout The Bois part II *looks behind him and points at the bishopric*..."

Then there were a few more great and funny testimonies shared. Honestly it was super dope cuz it kinda reminded me that we should always be ourselves and share the light with others. Oh and also they were wearing white Air max shoes and Air Forces haha. I LOVE THE DAI ICHI WARD! 
Sushi! A member works at a sushi restaurant and got us some super good sushi.

We also visited our boi Parker (soon to be Elder Richards) from the Daiichi ward. He starts his mission in January and was called to the Tokyo South Mission. It was super cool talking to him and getting him psyched to serve a mission! Huge shoutout to my MTC district! You guys are the best. Talking to Parker got me reminiscing about what it was like just anxiously waiting to start but also being nervous. 
Cool pic I saw on Facebook this week. The world can be a confusing and distracting place.

I listened to a ton of mission related talks this week and they were all so awesome and I learned a ton too. I will attach two of my favorites below. I am really trying to continue to work on putting my trust in the Lord and really "forgetting myself and getting lost in the work". ðŸ”¥

Adney A. Komatsu Talk on Sacrifice:

David A. Bednar Talk on Becoming a Missionary:

Also this week is transfers week (when missionaries get moved to different areas and get new companions), but we found out that me and Elder Leon will be staying together and will be over the same wards. So my address isn't changing, and I would love to get some Christmas cards or letters you guys! 

Elder Tyler Ditto
Utah Salt Lake Mission
3487 S 1300 E
West Entrance
Salt Lake City, UT 84106

Well that's about it... nothing really happened this week. At least you get to read a shorter email this time haha. 

Scripture of the Week:
- Mosiah 23:22 (The Book of Mormon). 
22 Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his atrust in him the same shall be blifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people.

I read this scripture this past week as I am making my way through reading The Book of Mormon again. It says "...whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up in the last day...". Fully trusting in God can be a pretty tough thing most of the time, and I am definitely working on that right now. Each day brings new challenges and many of the same old challenges. Praying and the scriptures are becoming my best friend now (probably a few years overdue) and trusting in the Lord is one of the many things I have been working on. 

Song(s) of the week:

My Little Prayer by David Archuleta. I seriously love this song. So so good. Gives me the chills every time and I love the message behind it too. I know my Heavenly Father is always there for me and that I have these trails and hard times for a reason and so he can strengthen me. Life is so hard and a mission is no different. I'm continually trying to learn more and soak up all I can.
- The whole Tarzan soundtrack is wayyy good. Give it a listen.
These Skittles are the weirdest thing ever. They were given to us, and they are just like that Jelly Belly game where some of them taste nasty. So disappointing but also kinda a fun game if you are bored haha 🤢

Hurrah for Israel!!!

Elder Ditto

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