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Monday, December 21, 2020

Meeting the King of Snow Shoveling

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas Everyone!
 Christmas mask and blue skies 

This week I made some fire Zesty Italian Crockpot Chicken and some killer salsa chicken burritos (Thank you to our "secret" elves that have been bringing us little gifts each day! I wonder who you could be???). We ate good this week.
Sourdough bread our "secret" elves left us!

I hope everyone is doing well and that you all have an awesome week getting to party it up for Christmas! And for all you missionaries - I hope you don't miss your fam too much, and get to meet up with some members or people you are teaching so this Christmas is a little less weird. Honestly, I don't know how excited I am for actual Christmas day this year, but I do love the Christmas Season and getting to talk about Christ even more. 

 Walking with Elder Leon

We had the BEST visit a few days ago with the Birrell family. It definelty is in my top 10 favorite conversations I have had on my mission so far. It started off as a normal conversation but then quickly turned a corner I never thought I would encounter. Brother Birrell LOVES snow. I know what you might be thinking right now..."but Elder Ditto, that's pretty normal, isn't it? Don't you love snow too? It's the best! You get to ski and sled and play in the snow.". Well that's where you are wrong. This guy doesn't love snow cuz it's snow. He loves snow because he gets to move it! He is in love with moving snow. 💪 As he continued to express his love for moving snow, I learned more about all the different kinds of tools that are used to move snow (and yes it's called moving snow, not shoveling snow, because that would be inaccurate, as there are many different ways to move snow) than I ever have. He asked what kind of shovel I have back home and what my favorite shovel to move snow is. I had no idea how to answer that question. Then he showed us how favorite shovel and told us all of the specs. For all of you who are dying to know which shovel to get for the next big snow storm, you must get the Orbit Orange shovel that is construction grade plastic with NO metal edge. This is key.

Good luck fellow shovel-ers.🤠🌨

Church yesterday was awesome. The branch was pretty chill and it's always funny because they are quite unorganized and it feels super personal. Then the Dai ichi ward was awesome because there were probably over 50 people actually attending church in person. It helps that it was Christmas Sunday, so a lot more people wanted to attend it in person instead of online. I hope the numbers continue to go up. It was funny cuz when I first walked into the chapel, I thought I was in the wrong church because there were so many people. 

So once a week, missionaries have a day where they get all their laundry, shopping, and playing in for the week. Pdays are the best cuz I get to play basketball. The only bummer is that now, Elder Seachriest is gone and I just play basketball by myself. 1v1-ing yourself is kinda hard. A lot less fun too. Don't worry tho - I won😎
A very brown meal I made 💩

Also yesterday we brought this sister in one of our English wards the sacrament because she hadn't received it in a few months. I also gave her a blessing or comfort in peace since she is going through a lot right now. It's always cool getting to use the priesthood (The power of God) in a more direct way and really feeling like I am able to help bless someone's life. Also she has an adopted son who is struggling right now and her and her son aren't really getting along. We have been trying to meet up with him for a while and play basketball or skate with him since he loves sports and skateboarding. But no luck so far. It would be awesome if you could keep them in your prayers!
I don't have a real skateboard right now, so I had to buy a mini one😔

Scripture of the week:
- Luke 2:11
11 For unto you is aborn this day in the city of David a bSaviour, which is Christ the cLord.
Christ is born! I love Christ and am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and this time of year. Keep on praying and reading your scriptures. You guys are awesome. 

Song(s) of the week:

- Run Run Rudolph by Chuck Berry

- Jingle Bell Rock by Bobby Helms

- I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons. 

Apparently some people think this song is about the 2nd coming of Christ. I mostly just think it's a really good song. Let me know what you think.

P.S. - I saw the BYU "Y" yesterday when we went down to visit some members in Eagle Mountain, and that was really cool but also weird. Hope all my BYU peeps are doing well. Congrats on finishing another semester!

P.P.S. - We were talking to our friend, Kazuki Taylor, and he was telling us this gnarly story about when after a surgery on his appendix, his wound started to open back up and his organs and whatnot were falling out of his body. It was a pretty dope story but then Elder Leon started to go all white (even more white than he normally is) and then he said everything went black and he almost threw up (dont worry - he caught it before it came out). It was pretty funny to see, and an interesting way to end the day. 

- Elder Ditto

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