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Monday, January 25, 2021

New Comp, Who Dis?

Hello friends and family!

Sunday at the Dai-ichi ward was awesome!! Elder Godoy came to our ward and that was sooo sick and we got to chat with him for a bit. We also had Brother Gammel (he's so dope) give a talk and played the guitar with his buddy. They played "Come Come Ye Saints," and it was super good. 
The quarantine trio 

This week was transfers week, so Elder Leon got transferred out of the area and is now serving in a new area. 
Saying bye to Elder Leon 

Sooo I got a new companion! His name is Elder Cooper and he is from California. He's pretty cool and we get along pretty well. Hopefully this transfer is a good one. 

This is Elder Cooper 

Elder Cooper and the snow 

Funny thing happened this week that was pretty dang peculiar. Elder Hamner told us about this guy that calls missionaries and has them interpret his dreams for him. Have any of you guys ever heard of him? Because among the missionaries he has called he's an absolute legend. The only name we know him by is Zeid PooPoo. That's how he always introduces himself. He has never actually called us but he has called Elder Hamner and tried to get him to set up an appointment awhile back. It was our last day of Quarantine though and we were heck bored so we decided to give him a call. Sure enough when he picked up we were greeted with "Hello, this is Zeid PooPoo, and the names of the Missionaries I am speaking to?" It was REALLY weird. He kinda sounded like a robot. So I tried asking some weird questions to see if I could trip him up (if he was a robot) but he wasn't. Not really sure why he calls so many missionaires but ya. So maybe we will actually teach him a lesson this week. 
Oh ya, I am the driver now so this is my whip.

I can't really think of anything else crazy that happened this week, and I am running out of time, so this is a shorter email...

Oh but we did go on a hike today so that was awesome!! It was super good to get outside and "play in the snow." 
I wanna climb
P-day hike 

Scripture of the week:
- Mosiah 28 (The Book of Mormon). This chapter is foresee. Highly recommend giving it a read this week. I also listened to Elder Bednars BYU devotional from this last week and that was wayyy good. 

Song of the week:
- High on the Mountain Top by The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Love, Elder Ditto

1 comment:

  1. You look so good Elder and happy in all of these pics! I love the pic in the kitchen, nice pad. You boys must really love your hot sauce, ha ha. Bill and I keep you on our prayers daily. Remember, work a little harder to be a little better :). Love Peretsons
