Wow that was a long week. I never thought I would be so blessed to have this time to study the inside of a hotel. Quarantine life is amazing....
Thankfully we were able to play lots of frisbee this week; even with being in quarantine we were able to go walk around outside each day. |
So update: I tested positive for COVID... I GOT IT! When we got our results back, only I tested positive though. Then a few days later Elder Hamner lost his taste. So we got him a rapid test and he tested positive. 😷 Man that sucks. I am really glad I didn't lose my taste or smell. So now today is our last day of Quarantine so that is hypeeee
I hate being inside.
Since we spent so much time in our hotel this week, I had some extra time to look out yonder... the best part of the week was when I saw some skaters in the parking garage right by our hotel. Of course, as a sad quarantined skater boy would do, I yelled out to them "kickflip check." This lead to like five minutes of this kid trying to gather all his friends together and get them to do a kickflip. Most of them were on longboards, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. After many attempts, this teenager rolled up and hit a clean kickflip. It was pretty dope. I really really wanted to go out and skate with them. It took a lot of self control to not... especially since I was out of Quarantine but still "in" quarantine cuz of Elder Hamner and Elder Leon getting symptoms after me.
I miss skating 
Big news!! We are teaching someone new! We got a referral from this guy and now we are teaching this super nice girl and her mom. It's kinda a complicated story with how exactly we are teaching them (not really that weird if you are a Utah missionary, but weird if you aren't), but I can talk about that some other time. So ya we are excited to teach Felicia!
Flipping into a new transfer
And....this week is transfers (every 6 weeks, missionaries get moved around and you get a new companion), and I don't know what exactly is gonna happen but we do know that Elder Leon is getting transferred. I'm staying here but we don't know what exactly will happen with Elder Hamner. He could stay here with me or he could go back upstairs in the hotel and get a new comp. So either I will be with Elder Hamner next transfer or will some rando. I'm nervous and excited.
I listened to an amazing BYU Devotional (thanks to Ami and Poppi for sending it to me) by Lawrence E. Corbridge. If you have like 20 minutes of free time, GIVE IT A LISTEN. SO SO GOOD. I really loved how simple and straightforward he spoke. I know it is okay to have questions, but also how important it is to have faith.
Oh also this week we ate some crazy spicy ramen, and I made a little vlog of our experience. So if you want it, then let me know and I'll send it over.
Scripture of the Week:
- Alma 27:16-19 (The Book of Mormon):
16 And it came to pass that as Ammon was going forth into the land, that he and his brethren met Alma, over in the aplace of which has been spoken; and behold, this was a joyful meeting.
17 Now the ajoy of Ammon was so great even that he was full; yea, he was swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the bexhausting of his strength; and he fell cagain to the earth.
18 Now was not this aexceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of bhappiness.
19 Now the joy of Alma in meeting his abrethren was truly great, and also the joy of Aaron, of Omner, and Himni; but behold their joy was not that to exceed their strength.
Dang, Alma really knows how to celebrate. Imagine being so stoked that you couldn't even contain it, and you had to pass out and "fall to the earth." I want that. And that's how excited and happy Alma was to see his brothers and friends.
Song of the Week:
- Prayer of the Children by Inside Out A-cappella Group
I really know that through Christ, we can feel love again and feel his love for us. I am so grateful for prayer and for my Savior Jesus Christ.
Love you all,
Elder Ditto
To the man who endures to the end - we love you and hope you get a wonderful companion this transfer. Up and onward Tyler - we love you.
ReplyDeleteLove reading your blog. We think of you often and looking forward when you get to Japan. Imagine the conversations you'll have with Gene. Glad you are feeling better. Keep going strong. We all love and miss you. Looking forward to the great reunion with you and all your buddies.
ReplyDeleteExciting that you have someone to teach. Also awesome you were able to interact with those kids in a positive, friendly, happy way, even if you had to do it from your quarantine window. That's missionary work! I also love that talk! Glad you're feeling better.
ReplyDeleteSome reason my identity isn't showing... last comment was Uncle Vaughn. We love you Tyler. Keep up the good work.