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Monday, February 8, 2021

Choosing to Be Baptized!

Another week in the bag! Lots of stuff happened this week and we were super busy. I will just list off the stuff that happened cuz if I try to make a cohesive letter, that won't happen. 
Helping a lady with yard work

Call from President Prier: 

Last peeday we got a call from President on our way to go shopping...side note: whenever you get a call from your Mission President there are two options (at least for me right now); either I am going to Japan or I got in trouble. 😭Luckily somehow this call wasn't either. It was just about Valerie (this lady we have been teaching and the one tnag got baptized this sunday) and her membership record number. So it wasn't too bad.

Uhaul Masters: 👨🔧
Last week we helped two people move and boy oh boy it was wild. Helping old ladies move that want there stuff in an exact spot makes moving a bit less fun...

Happy 88th Birthday:
German Grandma Mueller

We went by this lady's house last week who told us about another older lady who was turning 88 next week! We we came by and wished her a happy birthday. She is a super funny German lady who loves the gospel and also likes to roast people lol. 💲

Farting Grandma:☠
We also helped this other older lady move some stuff around her yard and clean up her dirt piles, etc. On the way up from her basement carrying boxes, she ripped a massive one. I could barely breath and hold in my tears/laughter. What a day.

Ninja the Kid:
We met a mid named Ninja. 😈How gnar is that?!

Skating and The Gospel:
We finally met Milo (the kid we have been trying to meet with for a while) and I brought up skating and we are hopefully gonna skate together. He was super closed which was odd until I started to talk to him about his board and skating. We all have our own talents and interests for a reason.💪 Use them with your missionary work! We can connect with others and be friends with people cuz of that. 

Fia let us in?!:👉👈
We stopped by this lady who keeps self referring herself but never lets us in again, and she actually let us in! We read some of The Book of Mormon together and she said she wants to read it with us every Saturday now! Whoot whoot

*Attention Spokane Peeps:
If you see Elder Richards (a missionary who is coming out of Dai Ichi Ward) then say what's up and tell him hi for me. You guys are getting an awesome new missionary next month! #plug

 Us at the Baptism for Felicia (the one doing the peace sign) and Valerie

Felicia and Valerie chose to be baptized and were both baptized on Sunday! It was a super amazing experience and I was actually asked by Valerie to be the one to baptize her! That made it extra special. I am so happy for them! 
My family was able to watch the baptism via zoom.  This is a screenshot they took.

The only problem was that when I baptized Valerie, her feet flew off the ground and I had to basically just pick her up and do a dead lift lol. Also when Felicia was baptized, everyone clapped and cheered, which was so awesome to feel the excitement in the room from her friends and family. 👏👏

Songs of the Week: 
- I Stand All Amazed by BYU Vocal Point. 

This song is so powerful! Wow, the lyrics hit hard this week. We sang it at multi district council and I felt so many different emotions. God really is marvelous and a perfect God. I love this song.

Scripture(s) of the Week: 
- Matthew 11:28 (The New Testament). 
28 ¶ aCome unto me, all ye that blabour and are heavy laden, and I will give you crest.
This scripture Give a me so much peace! We can find rest and peace in Christ. All we have to do is allow him to comfort and be apart of our lives!

- Alma 40:5 (The Book of Mormon). 
Now, whether there shall be one time, or a asecond time, or a third time, that men shall come forth from the dead, it mattereth not; for God bknoweth all these things; and it sufficeth me to know that this is the case—that there is a time appointed that all shall rise from the dead.
God knoweth all things! Have faith in what he can do and how much he loves you!

Love, Elder Ditto

1 comment:

  1. Awesome baptism! I Stand All Amazed is one of my favorites, too. Beautiful melody and such an inspiring message. Make it a great week! love, the Button's
