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Monday, May 31, 2021

Anime is Life

Aloha friends and family! 
Bye Elder Wright 

This week was transfers! So Elder Wright got moved to downtown SLC and I got a new guy named Elder Jeppson. 
Elder Jeppson 

He is from Pennsylvania and loves Minecraft, YouTube, and video games. He's a pretty interesting and awkward kid, but he likes to work so that's good! I am excited about another transfer here in South Salt Lake. 
Vans skatepark 

MIRACLE of the week: this week we found some SUPER cool people that have the same interests as me. We met this RAD guy named Pasha and he has climbed mountains in the Himalayas and went to Tibet for a Buddhist retreat. He loves climbing and biking and his girlfriend is super cool too. They also have a dope van they live out of for camping. I have definitely seen my talents and hobbies influence and help the people I meet on my mission. 
Pit vipers I bought for cheap from another missionary

Oh I also got a haircut this week from this sick lady, and it got cut pretty dang short so I won't need one for a while I guess haha 

Saying "bye" to members with Elder Wright

Funny Stories of the week: 
- Our friend José was quoting anime under his breath the whole time at church 
- José sprinted across a crosswalk (with 2 seconds left on the red hand sign) like an anime guy and was said that's the only way he will cross crosswalks. It was actually way scary to watch. I thought for sure he was gonna get hit by two different cars 
- Got threatened by a homeless guy 
- I went downstairs at night to get a drink and Elder Jeppson was baking a cake for his 1/2 birthday 

Sick car and Elder Jeppson 

Also update: I am now a district leader (someone who helps a few other companionships and leads district council meetings), which is fun and I am excited to learn more from the people in my district. 
The Japanese gang


Scripture of the Week: 
- Ether 12:4 (The Book of Mormon). As we continue to HOPE for a better world and do everything we can to help that, we will grow in faith and glorify God
Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with asurety bhopefor a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which chope cometh of dfaith, maketh an eanchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in fgood works, being led to gglorify God.

Song of the Week:

Elder Ditto 

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