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Monday, June 7, 2021

Take me out to the ballgame!


Bees game

This week started off WAY sick. We went to a Bees baseball game (Utah's minor league team) last peeday. It was crazy. We were like celebrities there haha. So many people talked to us and wanted to pay for us 😂 It was really nice of them. We also got some really rude responses and people. But that's okay. Those people are sometimes funnier anyways. The Bees lost sadly but it was still worth it. We also got on the JUMBO-TRON which was rad. We had a huge dance-off. My companion didn't go to the game tho cuz he doesn't like baseball (or sports in general really). 

So fun seeing the Akins!

The rest of the week was not quite as dope and honestly went by really slow. Here are some highlights tho:

- Met this nice lady named Heidi and we helped her do yard work and helped cheer her up because she has pretty bad depression 

- I met a guy from YAKIMA! He was born there but never lived there really and hasn't gone back. It was pretty crazy to meet someone from there and it was fun to connect. 🏡

- I found out that Elder Jeppsom has NEVER had Taco Bell... Epic Bruh Moment 🌮

- It got up to 104 this week. WAYYY too hot... I thought I was gonna die 

- Got asked out of a date🔒

- Met a crazy guy who sells drugs💉 out of his backroom and was on a phone call to get some more xanax when we came in. 

- Elder Jeppson Prefers WARM soda and water... GROSS🚫

- Sick exchanges with Elder Ellis and then Elder Moss
Exchanges with Elder Moss

- Got to teach primary, which was really fun 👶

- I met a guy who looks JUST like Grandpa Ken. It was crazy. He talked like him and acted like him and liked the same stuff (or so I have been told I guess cuz I was so young when he passed away). It was honestly a huge tender mercy and I definitely felt Grandpa there with me. What a blessing.
Gorgeous sunset

Also here is a quick update on Jose: He is one date to be baptized on the 26th of June. He came to church again and it such a beast of a kid. Really interesting guy but super cool. He loved church and is making friends with all the kids his age. Keep him and his family in your prayers, please. 


Overall a solid week. Felt like years but oh well. Hopefully, this next week is not like that. 
Waiting 4 da trax

Scripture of the Week: 
- 2 Corinthians 12:9 (The New Testament). Man, this scripture is FIRE. It brought me a lot of strength and comfort this week especially. 
And he said unto me, My agrace is sufficient for thee: for my bstrength is made perfect in cweakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may drest upon me.

Song of the Week:
- Priceless from the 2017 Japanese Youth Album

Elder Ditto 

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