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Monday, May 17, 2021

Grammy Grillz

 What. A. Week. I'm just gonna skip right into some bullet points of some of the highlights of this week:
Rad wall 

- Check Apple Maps in a few weeks on like Fenton Cove and 300 East, and you will see me and Elder Wright walking down the road πŸ˜Ž

- This guy Eddie from deep in Chicago told me I remind him of Mitt Romney. No idea what that means or if it's a compliment...but I'll take it 
Zoom call set up πŸ˜πŸ”₯

- I saw this grandma who had GOLD grillz onπŸ‘‘πŸ’ŽπŸ’

- This guy Max pulled up with a sick motorcycle πŸ›΅ and then said "HEY, do you guys have a Book of Mormon? I NEED one now". Then we gave him one, and started to talk and then he just said "Okay, thanks. I will call you if I have any questions. BYE!" 
Superrr good Japanese candy πŸ₯‡

- THEN like 30 seconds later, then Brazilian πŸ‡§πŸ‡· lady like drifted into the spot right by us and jumped out with a baby and said we answered her prayer and asked for a blessing

- We got fed this crazy beef and rice (?) dish from this lady and it was full of hair and other "accessories"....YuMmY
Bird poop 

- A bird pooped on me πŸ’©

- I met a lady named Birtha! (Idk how to spell it)

- A guy drove by BLASTING the Cool Runnings soundtrack!πŸ‡―πŸ‡²
Sunset with Elder Wright and our ward mission leader 

- sooo many people waved to us and then flipped us off after πŸ˜₯
Zone Conference picture

- Our friend who is trying to stop smoking came to church this week! Soooo hype!!

I also wanted do share a little about FAITH. That is something we talked about a LOT this week. Faith is something we have to work for and really work at. It is such a powerful thing that I think many people overlook. A question that President Nelson asked us is "What would you do if had more faith?" So that would also be my challenge to you!  

Scripture of the Week:
- Ether 12:30 (The Book of Mormon). This talks all about how important faith is and that it can move mountains!
30 For the brother of Jared said unto the mountain Zerin, aRemove—and it was removed. And if he had not had faith it would not have moved; wherefore thou workest after men have faith.

Song  of the Week:
- I Can See Clearly Now by Jimmy Cliff. This is a song from Cool Runnings that is so fire! Give it a listen 

Elder Ditto 


  1. Any chance we can get a glossary and definition/translation of some of the vocabulary words?🀣

  2. I loved seeing the pics and the video! You are a rock star TylerπŸ€ͺ. The bird poop though, really. I have been waging a war with a few birds at our place , 2 in particular. I have to brag because I won the fight. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ How dare they think they can poop all over our patio and front entrance, then try to build their nasty ugly nest on our patio. These are dirty Starlings! I’m feeling quite accomplished, ha ha. Did I tell you I am now teaching the 12-15 yr olds in our new ward. They are great, maybe not as great as you guys though. Keep teaching and doing what you’re doing Elder, the Lord needs you and so do the people down there in Utah, at least for now. Love from Bill and I.πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ»
