What's up everyone! Welcome back. First off - I would LOVE to hear from all of you, so please shoot me an email and update me on how you're doing.
Email: tyler.ditto@missionary.org
Mailing address:
Elder Tyler DittoUtah Salt Lake Mission3487 S 1300 EWest EntranceSalt Lake City, UT 84106
Some exciting stuff happened this week. We are seeing that COVID related restrictions are slowly being lifted. We no longer have to wear masks if the person we are meeting with feels comfortable with us not wearing them. There are also a whole other list of little things that are changing.
First off, I wanna tell you guys about this really cool guy we are teaching who is from Cali and his family are members of the church but he is not. We have been talking a lot about why it is important to have organized religion and the blessings that come from that. Side note: He has the sickest and LONGest dreads ever. But anyways he is such a rad dude and I am excited to see him learn more!
Oh also this week we saw this crazy fight and this guy pulled out a glock, so we dipped. We also saw three different car accidents happen while we were walking around. Luckily, everyone was okay but they were super gnarly wrecks. Stay safe everyone
HUGE shoutout to my beautiful Mom and for all the Mother figures in my life. Moms are by far the best and I am grateful for all those ladies that helped me become who I am now. I
Well that's really it for this email. If you have any questions you want me to answer then let me know and I will respond! U Rock
Scripture of the Week:
- Mosiah 2:24 (The Book of Mormon). This scripture PROMISES that as we follow God's commandments that we will be blessed IMMEDIATELY! Such a sick blessing and promise!
24 And secondly, he doth arequire that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bblessyou; and therefore he hath paid you. And ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever; therefore, of what have ye to boast?
Song of the Week:
- I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go by The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square.
This song is fire and totally relates to so many people right now in the world. Trust in the Lords' work and his plan!
Elder Ditto
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