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Monday, May 3, 2021

Do Good!

What a week! Some pretty cool and good things happened that I wanna share with you all! 
 Sunset and bikes!

Little baby bike I had to ride since my other bike broke.

Sick sticker this guy gave me that I met

First off: these past like two weeks we have gotten three different people to commit to being baptized on a a certain date, which is super exciting! One is an older guy who we are working with to try to get him to quit smoking cigarettes, one is a 9 year old girl who is so kind to everyone, and one is a 15 yr old girl who competed in the Pan-American Olympics and is going to the Junior Olympics in like June for gymnastics! 🥇
We made a pack of fake cigarettes with motivational thoughts and scriptures to help the older guy we are teaching to quit smoking.

Vaccine pics from last week with Elder Wright

I saw Elder Peterson last week while getting my second vaccine.

We got to do quite a bit of service this week! We mowed some people's lawns, did some edging, and then set up a sweet squat rack for someone we are teaching! I LOVE serving people and it felt so good to do some yard work like the good ol' days!
New shades

We also had this really cool experience where we were doing a "Blitz" (where a couple sets of missionaries all come into one area and go off doing missionary work for a few hours) and an "exchange" (where you switch missionary companions for a few hours), and we met SO many cool people. One experience in specific stuck out, and that was when we knocked on this guys door and he answered (not wearing any pants) and told us to come in (don't worry...he put on pants) and he said he had lots of questions for us. This guy was so cool! He is way young and already teaches 7th grade. 👨🏫 He started off our conversation saying he was not interested at all, and just wanted some answers. But after we talked for a little while he ended up really have a desire to know more. I KNOW that God loves each of us and had a plan for us. This young guy already had a lot of hard things happen in his life, but God has a plan for him too! Just like you and me. ❤
We completed the lil Yachty poster.

I customized my Preach My Gospel

Finally, I wanna share about this super nice family who is from Samoa and Hawaii. They are so cool and the nicest people! He even had a HUGE prayer board full off over 400 people who he prays about and thinks about all the time. SO COOL! And his daughter is blind and reads braille! She knows the Bible inside and out. I strive to know the scriptures like she does. When I was reading 3 Nephi 12:6, she immediately knew that it was also referencing Matthew. What an amazing family I got the opportunity to meet. 
Weird drink from the Asian market 

LAST THING: We got a new bishop in one of the wards I cover. Getting to be apart of a bishop change doesn't happen that often, so it was really cool to get to see that and be apart of it! I am excited to see how it goes from here on out. 
Saying "bye" to my man Rudy 😔

Song of the Week:
- Small Things by Leah Campbell. This song is from the 2021 youth album and it is way good! The message behind it is 🔥🔥

Scripture of the Week:
- 3 Nephi 12:6 (The Book of Mormon). I LOVE this scripture! I know that as we continue to have the desire to learn more about The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will he blessed as we have righteous desires! 

And blessed are all they who do ahunger and bthirst after crighteousness, for they shall be dfilled with the Holy Ghost.

Elder Ditto

1 comment:

  1. Great letter. What amazing people you’ve met and a wonderful work you’re doing. Keep it up!
