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Monday, April 26, 2021

God Loves All His Children

Another week in the books...full of lots of love and tough experiences. Here are the top 3 "stories" of the week: 

i love this book and so does Elder Wright 

We met this guy Daniel 🦁 on the side of the road and he ended up telling us that he was the same guy that was Daniel from the Bible story Daniel and The Lions Den. 
Jet flying by 

We met SO many Spanish people this week and have had lots of times to practice my Spanish so I really need to brush up on it again. 🤓
Bubble gun 

While doing a lesson at an apartment complex, the SWAT pulled up and busted into a house👮‍♂️⚒💉
Elder Wright

Okay so on a little more serious note, this week I have learned a lot about the importance of love. Showing love for everyone and having a genuine concern for others. On my time on my mission so far, I have met so many different and diverse people, and have really seen the love that Heavenly Father has for his children. Everyone is so so different from each other and has different needs and things they are searching for. Being able to adjust my teaching and focus on each persons' individual needs has been another blessing I have seen from serving a mission. 
Pretty nice sunset

Another awesome thing that has happened this week is something that is called a "miracle chat." This is a group chat for all the local missionaries and whenever we have a miracle-like experience, we send in a voice clip of the experience to get all the local missionaries hyped up. So as we have been going out and about the day, I have found myself really looking for possible miracles and how my Heavenly Father has been blessing me. So I challenge you guys to look for how God blesses you each day and notice the little miracles thought the day! 
Fire scripture!!

Oh ya, also I got my 2nd covid shot! So now I'm fully vaccinated which is rad. Maybe now covid will be gone next week haha 

Song of the Week:
- Round and Round by Imagine Dragons 

Scripture of the Week:
- Alma 37:6 (The Book of Mormon). It is so important to be looking for the small and simple things in our lives. I love this scripture! 
Now ye may suppose that this is afoolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by bsmall and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
Spikeball with the ZL's ans AP's
I got Elder Wright into painting 

Cool car

Love, Elder Ditto 

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