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Monday, September 6, 2021

The net will not break

Yuhhh welcome back to another email. It was a good week that went by really fast but also it feels like it took forever. I was looking back at pictures from exchanges on Tuesday and I thought that was like last transfer haha. 
Elder Wright and me with a tall crane

This week we had a killer zone conference. President Prier shared so many good things and I will share a few quotes from it in a second. But basically, we really focused on how we NEED to have the Savior in our boat and make sure to use The Book of Mormon because it WILL NOT BREAK. Referring to the disciples when they were fishing and the Savior told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat and then they caught 153 fish and the net DID NOT BREAK. The Book of Mormon is our net in gathering those fish and it will stand strong. Have trust in The Book of Mormon. I know it's God's word. 

Quotes from Zone Conference:
- "It's kinda like a celestial Easter Egg Hunt. It's fun! Go find those golden eggs!" - President Prier 
- "To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never done before" - Richard G. Scott
- "THE NET WILL NOT BREAK" - President Prier 

Other noteworthy parts of the week:

- You probably don't remember this... but back in the winter when I was in the Japanese area I met this man who LOVESSS shoveling snow. WELL... I met him again this week! He helped us with a lesson this week. Crazy
Downtown SLC exchange with Elder Bailey

- I slept talk again this week. I gave a baptismal interview in my sleep I guess ðŸ˜‚

- Our dinner hour got moved to 4pm-5pm and we have seen a LOT of blessings come from that! We got to teach SO many people this week because of it. Lots of new people to teach 

- Our friend Stan wants to baptize his son Stan Jr. But we just found out that his health is going downhill fast. So please keep him in your prayers, because he wants to baptize Stan Jr. 

- Met a guy named Trevor and man this guy was a Debbie Downer. He has like no faith and he wasn't willing to do anything to gain more faith or ask God if He is real. He really just wanted to argue. 

- Our WWE friend (who is getting baptized soon) bore his testimony in church on Sunday!!! It was so cool 

- Another guy we are teaching chose to fast on Sunday! Blessings 

- Our buddy from Iraq is gonna hook us up with a sick gold Muslim bracelet and a ring from Iraq. Their family is so nice
Our Muslim Iraq friends

- I just started re-reading The Book of Mormon, and am highlighting all the references to Jesus Christ. I am going to finish by the beginning of December. If you want to join me (and our whole mission) with this challenge, PLEASE DO! I have already loved learning more about Jesus Christ through this and am impressed with the many references there are. 

Scripture of the Week: 
- Moses 7:62 (The Pearl of Great Price). The Book of Mormon is REAL and it REALLY is the word of God. It testifies of Jesus Christ.
62 And arighteousness will I send down out of heaven; and truth will I send forth out of the earth, to bear btestimony of mine Only Begotten; his cresurrection from the dead; yea, and also the resurrection of all men; and righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood, to dgather out mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, unto a place which I shall prepare, an Holy City, that my people may gird up their loins, and be looking forth for the time of my coming; for there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called eZion, a fNew Jerusalem.

Song of the Week:
- Any Young Chap song. They are fire. So good. Shoot him out. 
Elder Garcia is going to his original assignment 

Elder Niechman is going to Mexico

Elder Moffett!!!

- Elder Ditto 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a great week! So many great things happening! Your Mission President sounds very inspired - love his quotes! We have zucchini coming out our ears - made three cheese zucchini drop biscuits, steamed yellow crookneck, and chocolate zucchini muffins today!=) Make it a great week! love, the Button's
