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Monday, August 30, 2021

Costco Baptism?!

This was a fast week!! Here are the highlights for it! If you want more details then you can email me ( and maybe I can explain more:
Dope cars

- We almost got caught up in this like little gang trying to jump someone we used to teach 

- one of our friends gave us her pack of cigarettes!!! She wants to quit, so I made her a spiritual pack or cigs haha
Spiritual cigarettes

- One of our friends set a baptismal date for this month!! Dude, he is seriously so ready. And he does WWE which is rad 

- We had a dope lesson with this kid we are teaching and his friend who wants to be a missionary helped out 
We got these sick old Book of Mormons on exchanges. 

- went to Costco for lunch and this guy walked up to us and asked what tithing is and if you have to pay it to be baptized. Then he walked away and came back asking how soon he can be baptized😂😱 CRAZY! Sadly he lives outside of our area so we sent him over to the local missionaries. Hopefully, they don't drop the ball haha

- met this congo lady who I shared a scripture with and the whole time her little baby was like trying to nurse ðŸ˜‘

- said "bye" to Elder Anderson 
Bye Elder Anderson!

- There is a rumor that six different people I was teaching with Elder Salaiau in my other area might move to my new area! 

- I sprained my finger 
Light painting during a storm

- I saw Elder Holland and Elder Oaks in the Area book

- Someone's phone went off playing the Star Wars theme song during the sacrament meeting prayer 

If you want to ask me and Elder Wright any questions about ANYTHING, you can send me an email and we will make a vlog with a Q&A type thing ðŸ˜‚

Quote of the Week:
"Maintaining the change takes effort" just like a heart transplant 

Scripture of the Week: 
- 1 Nephi 16:29 (The Book of Mormon). I LOVE the ending of this scripture, where it says that it is the small things that allow us to accomplish the great things in life!! What a killer blessing 
29 And there was also written upon them a new writing, which was plain to be read, which did give us aunderstandingconcerning the ways of the Lord; and it was written and changed from time to time, according to the faith and diligence which we gave unto it. And thus we see that by bsmall means the Lord can bring about great things.
Song of the Week:
- I Hope by Gabby Barrett. Having the hope and faith that things will get better is so important. I challenge you to have more hope.

L O V E , 
Elder Ditto 

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