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Monday, August 23, 2021

Back at it again

Hey Hey Hey! This last week was transfers week, so I got a new-ish companion! Now I am companions with Elder Wright AGAIN! 

Elder Wright and myself back at it again!

We were companions a few months ago when I served in the Granite Park Stake. It has been way fun being back together. So now I serve in the South Salt Lake Stake, and I am a Zone Leader with Elder Wright in the Salt Lake Zone. I have yet to serve in that zone officially, so I am excited I get to be here. 

Nothing really crazy has happened this week but I will leave you with some notable events...

- We got LOTS of rainstorms and lightning and thunder. That was way fun. And tbh I miss the rain when being in my biking area. Now I am in a car area and it's not quite as fun haha.

- Had to say bye to all my new friends in the Pioneer Stake. I was able to take some pics with a few of them
Lots of goodbyes!

Gonna miss Elder Salaiau 💛

- Meeting lots of new people again (hence the new area)

- Going on lots of exchanges (when you switch companions for a lil bit)

- During church, there was this guy who was FEASTING (not upon the words of literally with food lol) right in the middle of church. He even pulled out a can of soda and opened it during class hahaha. It was hilarious 

- Being very very busy 

One thing that was way lame was I was only able to serve in the Pioneer Stake for 1 transfer (6 weeks), and sheesh that was not enough time. Made me sad to leave right when I got to know everyone. 
Goodbye Elder Moffett and Elder Aholelei 

More goodbyes

Scripture of the Week: 

- 3 Nephi 19:9 (The Book of Mormon). This scripture talks about how the 12 disciples prayed to have the Holy Ghost with them because it is what they desired. We need to have the Holy Ghost around all the time in order to effectively teach people. And that is something I really have been praying for and want to especially focus on the next lil while. If you have any suggestions or places where I could read or listen to any speeches about it, send them my way. 
And they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired that the aHoly Ghost should be given unto them.
Song of the Week:
- The Climb by Miley Cyrus (My sister, Alysee, sung this in 2020 for her virtual high school graduation)

- Elder Ditto 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in your new area! and enjoy being with E Wright again! We're praying for rain so we can get rid of all this smoke!!! Make it a great week! love, the Button's
