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Monday, August 16, 2021

Loads of bad news

Sheesh I'm not gonna lie. 
Sunset at the park

This week was pretty lameee. We got out in quarantine cuz Elder Salaiau got sick. So we were inside for like half the week. And Thursday (Aug 12) was my ONE-year-old being a missionary mark, but I literally did nothing for it 😂😂 I didn't even really get to do missionary work lol. Kinda lame tbh. 
Uncle Matt surprised me by dropping off donuts on my one-year mark!  That meant a lot!

So I will provide for you some Highlights and Lowlights of the week... 

- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM AND DAD! Birch and Sara both had BDays this week, so that is exciting. Wish them a happy late birthday if you haven't yet
I got to talk to my mom on her birthday.

- Last week we set a goal to find a certain amount of new people to teach. On Sunday night, we were 1 person short to meet our goal. I had been praying all day to meet someone new who was ready to listen to us. Then it was like 8:57 (our curfew is 9pm), and we decided to knock on one last door. Then this really nice guy named Dave answered. At first, he was pretty closed off and apprehensive, but after talking for a bit, he allowed me to share a scripture with him. Anyways, long story short, we got to teach him and he really wanted to learn about our community and he said we could come back. Prayers are answered!
Elder Salaiau

- I have now been a missionary for ONE year. Whoop whoop. 

- Haashi's foster program took him for a week due to the death of Kaison. We don't know for sure if will be back or not. He might get moved somewhere else, which would be really bad for him. Haashi was supposed to get baptized this last Saturday, but since he was gone, it couldn't happen:( 
Memorial for Kaison

- Elder Salaiau was sick... lots of sleeping 
Poor guy

- Quarantine SUCKSSSS
I had to come up with stuff to do while stuck at home for several days.  Lots of bracelets made to give away!

- COVID Tested (came back negative... YAY)

- Had to lead District Council online, and man that was terrible lol
Before Elder Salaiau got sick we road our bikes through the International Peace Garden.  It was beautiful!

Super sad news....

On Thursday, I found out some really sad news. I don't know if any of you remember but back when I was in the Japanese area, I met this really cool family, the Richards, and they totally treated me and the companions I had when we visited them like family. 

On Thursday I found out that Brother Richards passed away unexpectedly. He even fought back and miraculously his heartbeat came back at one point. He was put on life support and eventually they had to make the decision to take him off life support. Please please pray for their family. Even though I didn't get to spend a crazy amount of time with him, he seriously treated me like family. 
Cute kids!

Scripture of the Week: 
- Alma 31:38 (The Book of Mormon). I KNOW that we can find joy IN Christ and that it is because of Jesus Christ that our families can be together forever. This is something I KNOW. And honestly, I don't KNOW all that much. So it is what I really hold on to. 
38 And the Lord provided for them that they should hunger not, neither should they thirst; yea, and he also gave them strength, that they should suffer no manner of aafflictions, save it were swallowed up in the joy of Christ. Now this was according to the prayer of Alma; and this because he prayed in bfaith.

Song of the Week:
- Child of God by The Bonner Family. 


1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your loss and for Haashi not able to get baptized. Hopefully, they will find him a family soon and in your area. We will pray they will! It's hard when your comp is sick - who are you going to give all those bracelets to? Gorgeous gardens, that is definitely a picker-upper! Congratulations on making it a year! You will be very surprised at how fast the second half goes by. It's crazy! Praying for you every day! love, the Button's
