What a week with a roller coaster of emotions.
I wanna start off with the sad news. At church yesterday after sacrament meeting, I went over to Haashi's foster family and asked why Haashi wasn't at church. They said he was here, but he was really sad. I turned around and saw that he has just been hiding between the pews and bowing his head. Then they went on to tell us that a little boy named Kaison died Saturday night in a fire incident. Kaison and Haashi (another boy that we are teaching) were hanging out and Kaison wanted to play with some fire, so they went to the back alley and he decided to spray some kerosene on the fire and then some got on Kaisons shirt and face. He got burnt really bad (over 90% of his body) and passed away a few hours later in the hospital.
Haashi was there the whole time during the fire incident and told us about some really hard things he had to see. Kaison is a 7-year-old kid that we had taught a few times whenever he would join in with our lessons with Haashi. One of the hardest parts was that a lot of the local families know Kaison and sometimes he was a pretty rebellious and wild boy. But even though he did some things that maybe weren't the best, I KNOW that he is living with God now and that he isn't in any pain. I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have about the Plan of Salvation, and the hope that it gives to me. Please pray for Kaison and his family. Also for Haashi and his family and foster family. 

Here are some good things that happened this week:
- Got to play some pickleball
- One of our APs walked in on me pooping at church and he didn't really look away that fast... kinda concerning if you ask me 

- Lots of smoke from fires; which reminds me about running XC back in high school lol
- Walked in on a meth house 

- We had youth conference this weekend and six people we are teaching came to it! It was super cool and they learned a lot and made lots of friends.
Okay I want to end saying how grateful I am for the temple. I got to go to the Jordan River Temple on Friday, and it was amazing. I hadn't gone since the first week of November last year. So it had been almost a full year and I went to the same temple that I did when I first came to my mission and got to go with dad and Alex. It was so awesome. I really was trying to focus on the feelings I got. I really just felt like God loves everyone and he gave us this BEAUTIFUL earth because He loves us and wants nothing but the best for us. We are here to experience joy.
Scripture of the Week:
- 2 Nephi 2:25 (The Book of Mormon). We are here to feel joy and we can all feel it!! I love this scripture!
Song of the Week:
- Our Song by Taylor Swift. This song is wayyy good. Honestly, Taylor Swift has made so many hits. Gotta respect 

Video of the Week:
- Reflections. This is a really cool video that my buddy Tanner posted. Please watch it!!!
Elder Ditto
Excellent video! So sorry about Kaison, such a sad and tragic story. So sad for Haashi, we'll pray for his healing, it would be very hard to have those images in your head, especially at his age. So glad you were able to go to the temple! I can't wait until we can go! Back on July 1st we got online to reserve a time for the temple and the first one that was available was Sept 1st!! So hard to wait......Make it a great week! love, the Button's