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Monday, August 2, 2021

Lightning, Fresh Pig , No Toes

This is crazy...I met this lady from one of the wards I cover and she knows Grannie!!! She was like "you don't know Debbie Ditto but chance, do you?"  When I told her I did, she got kinda emotional and ran inside. Then she came out with a recipe and she said they were friends back in Phoenix and she gave her this recipe that she LOVES. so crazy!

This week had interviews with President Prier. We got to talk about a lot of good things, but what stood out most was when we talked about when people hate on us missionaries and disciples of Christ. How they sometimes don't treat us well, or persecute us, etc. I expressed my frustration cuz a few weeks ago someone said something to me that really hurt me. I have been told to go kill myself, hang myself, go to hell, that I don't believe in Jesus Christ (now that just doesn't make sense), cussed out, called so many names, etc. But this one hurt differently. They attacked ME. Like my soul and spirit. 

Anyways, President Prier said that since I brought in the spirit to that scenario, that they really weren't attacking me...they were attacking Jesus Christ. My Savior. Your Savior. Their Savior. He told me in those situations to just totally hand it over to Jesus and to boldly bear my testimony (as I was able to do), and walk out. That made me hurt even more (in a different way) because I don't want anyone to do that to Jesus Christ. But He already felt all our pains and suffering and emotional anguish. So just hand whatever is on your plate over to YOUR Savior, Jesus Christ, who is waiting and reaching out for you. πŸ’›
Got to stop by this crazy truck and cool car shop. I forgot what it was called but it's something Diesel lol 

Here are some other highlights of the week:

- We had SO many LIGHTING storms!!! I got some pretty rad pics tho😀😎 check out the pics 
More storms!! Got some good lightning pics on the way home from a lesson 

- We got RAIN! πŸ’¦ This is actually a blessing straight from God. Over here in Utah is has been sooo DRY and we got like no snow. We also had almost no forecasted rain for this summer a few months ago, but we have gotten 1 HUGE storm and lots of other storms filled with rain. What a blessing! PRAYER WORKS!

- We almost got our bikes stolen but we scared the dude off

- Met a guy with NO TOES. He was way nice and pumped up our bike tires for us πŸ¦ΆπŸΌ

- Balled up with this kid and played him 1vs 1 and we ended up teaching him about God and now we are meeting with him regularly! 
New bball shoes

- I taught this older man in ALL SPANISH. Bro it was so hard...okay I guess I used a lil English. But woah kinda hyped. Basically trilingual πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚️πŸ”₯

- We got fed this SUPER fresh pig. Like the whole pig. Thanks to the awesome Tongans. I don't think I've ever been so full of meat. We had pig, corned beef, shrimp galore, cow, rolls, Tongan "sweet potatoes," and other mystery meat

My companion, Elder Salaiau, is a sleepy kid

Scripture of the Week: 
- 2 Nephi 31:20 (The Book of Mormon). Make sure you are FEASTING upon the words of Christ. Not just eating or surviving. We can actually learn things when we FEAST.

20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a asteadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of bhope, and a clove of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and dendure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eeternal life.

Song of the Week:
- Love Is a Verb by John Mayer. Holy cow I love John Mayer. Such a good songwriter and singer. And man the guitar.... wow. But this song totally relates to loving all the people I meet here. Love totally is a verb. Even tho I couldn't honestly define what a verb is. I am pretty sure it means like you gotta show it and can't just "have love." It takes work. If I am wrong, then oh well. I still stand by my statement lol 

P.S. - if you made it this far, then I've got a lil suprise... I am going to the temple this Friday! Soooooo stoked 

Elder Ditto 

1 comment:

  1. The rain is a huge blessing for Utah! They haven't had such a drought in over 20 years. Love your lightning pictures - amazing! So glad you get to go to the temple!! What a tender mercy to meet someone who knows your grandma, very special. It's unfortunate all the attacks on the missionaries - shows Satan is turning up his game against his brother, Jesus Christ. Makes us yearn for His Second Coming even more. Praying for you! love, the Button's
