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Monday, September 20, 2021


YOO first off... DAVYN GOT BAPTIZED THIS WEEK! Holy cow it was such a crazy day. I will tell you more later...

I listened to this really good BYU Devotional from like a week ago. I loved how focused it was on love and Jesus Christ. We need to set an example for those around us and see everyone as children of God. Please give it a listen, whether you go to my church or any other church:

Kendama golf

This last week we saw a lot of examples of how important it is to have the Spirit with you. We would be talking to someone and they would pretty quick inform us that they are not interested, and then after we kept talking and would share a scripture or testify of God's love for them, etc. They would say that we can come back and talk to them about it more. That really got me thinking about how daggum important it is to have the Spirit with you all the time. The Holy Ghost is what teaches them. Not you. Not me. Not us. The Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus Christ. 

Fridge Boys: We helped these 2 guys who are from Ethiopia that were trying to move this huge fridge by themselves into this new daycare center they just bought. They were very appreciative of our help and it was pretty funny figuring out the best way to fit the fridge through the door. It barely fit!

Took pics of a kid we are teaching skating 

All We Do Is Teach: The other day, while I was on an exchange with Elder Otutaha in our area, we had such a good day. All we did ALL day was teach people. We taught so many people and went from lesson to lesson. And in between lessons we were even able to fit in meeting new people and we got to teach them too. Teaching and talking about the gospel is by far one of the best parts of being a missionary. 

Davyn's Baptism: Okay so I got a call earlier this week from Elder Salaiau saying Davyn wants me to come baptize him this weekend. We got permission, and I was so hyped. He was supposed to be baptized at 3pm, but he was over 1.5 hours late!!!! Sheeeesh. 
Davyn's baptism!!!

It all happened and now he is baptized and has the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It was so good getting to be there and be a part of the special day. Very stressful and frustrating but it ended well. Because it went so long, we had to skip dinner and were late for a lesson.

Elder Wright and I helping at a family history event.

Salt Lake is SO Ready: Okay so we are teaching over 40 people right now... like woah. This is probably the most people I have had in a teaching pool. So wild. For all you people that say SLC or Utah is ALL "Mormons"... boom wrong haha. It's crazy how many people are ready to learn and want to learn. There are so many people who can be found. 

Speed Baptism: We are teaching this kid named Riley, and he has been going to church for a while but hadn't felt ready to be baptized. His dad is a recent convert to the church and is hopefully going to baptize him THIS Saturday! We invited him to be baptized this Saturday, and he didn't believe us haha. He thought we were joking. But he said he wanted to be baptized ASAP, so we said we could make that happen. Now he is hyped. 

Best Compliment: Someone we are teaching told us that we are really good missionaries and teachers. Seriously the best compliment I have ever gotten. 

Super sick picture that we helped Sister Laub hang up 

Side Notes: 

- Please pray for Solomon. He is supposed to get baptized this week but didn't come to church the last two weeks. It may be cuz someone at church embarrassed him in front of everyone (sooo lame and that story is for another time...). He has some big changes to still make but he is so ready. 

- I got to go on an exchange with Elder Moffett one last time 
Sleepy Elder Wright 

Scripture of the Week: 
- John 11:1-44. The story of Lazarus. I was actually reading this earlier this week and then last night someone was telling me about it again and it reminded me about the story. She was focusing on Mary and Martha and how Jesus took the time to weep with them💛

Song of the Week:
- Anything that my little sister Chloe sings ðŸ”¥ðŸ”¥

- Elder Ditto


  1. What a letter Tyler! Congratulations on your success and we can sure see how you'd be a great teacher and missionary!

  2. Love you so much TJ! Doing the WERK!

  3. Awesome to read such wonderful experiences Elder Ditto! I could really feel the spirit! Thank you for your faithful service.

  4. Tyke we are so very proud of you. You are God’s hands and He is definitely pleased with you! We have no doubts about how good of a teacher you are. Your personality wins every over. Continue to let God work through you and know He love you just like Bill and I do!💙
