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Monday, November 1, 2021

Quarantined AGAIN?!?

Yup. You read the title right. I got quarantined AGAIN on my mission! I'm tired of it haha. On Wednesday, Elder Cleverly started to feel sick and throw up. Then we found out we were potentially exposed to someone with COVID. So we got tested. Then we were quarantined until Saturday. 

Elder Cleverly felt 100% better by Wednesday night, which is crazy. We got our results back and we were negative. We got to do a lot of phone work and also tried to do some zoom lessons, so it all worked out.
Cold Stone Creamery to celebrate being out of quarantine!

Here are the highlights of the week:

-We had a "sleepover" with ourselves during quarantine lol. We pulled all or mattresses into the living room. It was pretty fun!

-Monday night it rained like CRAZY!!!! I lost "what are the odds" and had to jump into this huge puddle/pond.
 fall colors 

-we built a Halloween gingerbread house 
Bob Ross energy drink ðŸ˜±

- Last week our friend, Antibus, came to church and he was DRIPPED OUT (had good style and looked good). He showed up with a nice button up shirt. It was CRAZY! He has come a long way. Definitely slow progress, but progress non the less. He also told us that he hates being drunk and being around drunk people. Which is a huge switch up from where me and Elder Wright found him ðŸ˜‚

Me and ma boi Antibus 

- We got a call early in the morning yesterday from someone who basically just needed someone to talk to. She was very distressed and needed help. It was pretty cool that she trusted us and knew we could help. It was a big change from how she treated us previously. It reminded me that as a missionary, I always gotta be ready. We ended up talking for almost an hour, and she said we were really able to help.

- We attended a community Halloween parade and met a lot of new cool people!! 

Our first Halloween candy 

I listened to this AMAZING speech this week. It was given at BYU this last week by a fellow Christian named Andrew Teal. I highly encourage you all to listen to it. The WHOLE thing. So many good questions were asked and it made me reflect on how I do as a Chrstian and believer of Jesus Christ. How can I improve and how can I show more love? 

 The day after I got a buzz cut a few weeks ago. 

Scripture of the Week: 
Moses 7:26-27 (The Pearl of Great Price)

26 And he beheld Satan; and he had a great achain in his hand, and it veiled the whole face of the earth with bdarkness; and he looked up and claughed, and his dangels rejoiced.

27 And Enoch beheld aangels descending out of heaven, bearing btestimony of the Father and Son; and the Holy Ghost fell on many, and they were caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion.

Elder Sedgwick shared this scripture with us and some members yesterday. Pretty cool how it talks about how real Satan is, but even more so how real God is. He loves us and all we need to do is choose his side again.

Song of the Week:

- Can't Help Falling In Love by Ingrid Michaelson. What a good song. My girl Ingrid is so good too. All her music is heat. Shout out to mom for liking her too.

- Elder Ditto

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