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Monday, March 28, 2022

The Sock Thief...Baptizing the Willing to Repent

Wow this last week was pretty was a very busy week. 

First off, our friends, Mason and Sammy got baptized on Friday and Saturday! The baptisms and confirmation was so rad. Tons of people came and there were lots of treats and food after. It really felt like a "fiesta" as President Prier would say. 
Mason's baptism

Here are some highlights from the week:

- Some guy asked us for a sock while we were walking around in the morning. Said he has found two socks so far, but they were all dirty... Idk what this guy was expecting. Not sure how you would just find a sock and have it be spotless cleanπŸ˜‚

- I found out I will be going to Sunday afternoon General Conference! 

Overlooking the Salt Lake Valley 

- Knocked on a Polygamist house. There were seriously 10 kids that came to answer the door and they were all below the age of 10 or 12. It was crazy cuz we basically just knocked into them randomly and we felt bad because the mom's were super nervous to talk to us since it's illegal to do polygamy.
Me and Dodi's cat. It's not even real but it still makes noises and moves Haha. Robo-Cat

- Talked to tons of people in Spanish this week on exchanges. But one guy in specific was pretty drunk and I took his beer to throw away and swapped it for Coca Cola. 
Dinner with Dodi!! Been so long since I had seen him

- For one of the many exchanges this week, i got to go on exchanges with Elder Salaiau, so that was fun being back with him.
Elder Heywood backing me

- Some more of our friends we are teaching have decided they want to be baptized this month! 

- I was almost late to Sammy's baptism cuz I thought it was at 2pm, but it was actually at 1pm. So I didnt leave Rose Park until like 12:50 and had to speed over to the baptism. That's why I am not wearing a suit in the pics haha
Sammy's baptism

Elder Heywood saying "goodbye"

- Listened to "I Had A Real Good Mother And Father" by the Lower Lights with this random guy from Africa named Oozman who only knows how to say "no", on the side of the road in a little park. 

Song of the Week:
- Down to the River to Pray by The Lower Lights. This song is a blessing! I have always liked this song and remember my mom playing it on Sunday mornings before church. 

Scripture of the Week:
- GENERAL CONFERENCE! If you don't know what this is, basically it is when the prophet of God and other apostles and people who are close with God speak to us. I promise if you go in with a questions and listen to all the speeches, then you WILL get an answer. Listen to it this week. Saturday and Sunday. I am so hyped. 

- Elder Ditto

Monday, March 21, 2022

Triple Double - Getting My Old Companions Back

This last week was transfers. I got to stay my area for a 2nd transfer and am still companions with Elder Ely. But Elder Petty has been moved to my old area in South Salt Lake, which is pretty cool. AND Elder Nogueira got transferred here to Murray and we are companions AGAIN! For a 2nd time. Only had a one transfer break, and then the Lord couldn't keep us apart lol. AND another crazy thing is I am companions with Elder Wright AGAIN! FOR A 3RD TIME. That is unheard of. And I am companions with this spanish Elder, Elder Julian. Who we found out we were actually in the same ward for freshman year at BYU and lived on the same floor lol. And he is from Spokane. 
Last transfers companionship (Me, Elder Ely and Elder Petty)

This is probably confusing. But basically I am companions with Elder Ely and Elder Nogueira in the Murray (South Salt Lake) area. Then I am companions with Elder Wright and Elder Julian when we do exchanges and trainings with the mission as a whole. 
 Me, James and Oz from when he got baptized 

Here are some other things that happened:
Basketball with some Japanese exchange students

- Did an exchange with the Elders in the Swahili area and met a family of five and they all chose to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized together! Pretty cool miracle...even with a language barrier and the help of google translate

- A dog peed on my hand

- I almost got pooped on by a bird. It flew right past my face and landed an inch from my foot

- Had interviews with President Prier

Song of the Week:
- Any of Young Chap's new songs he is making

Scripture of the Week:
- Matthew 25:1-13 (New Testament). This parable given in this chapter is so good. I will be studying it A LOT this transfer and would love to hear your insights on it. 

aThen shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten bvirgins, which took their clamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

While the bridegroom tarried, they all aslumbered and bslept.

And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the abridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their alamps.

And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps aare gone out.

But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were aready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was bshut.

11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

12 But he answered and said, aVerily I say unto you, I bknowyou not.

13 aWatch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Have a great week, 
Elder Ditto

Monday, March 14, 2022

Recent Converts & The Prophet's Barber!

What a wonderful week! Except for the fact that I was sick for the whole thing haha. I did realize that it was so important to be grateful for our good health. 

Anyways, I don't remember much of what happened this week that was notable, but here are a few things I will share:

- There was a drove by shooting the other day and they fired 36 rounds. Everyone is okay to my knowledge tho
Exchange with Elder Bailey

- Being sick sucks

- Met the barber who cut the hair of TONS of prophets and apostles (President Monson, Nelson, Hinckley, Elder Uchtdorf, Eyring, Holland, Oaks, etc.)

- Saw Felicia and Valerie!! They got baptized when I was in my first area, about a year ago. They are doing well 

- Had Raising Canes for the first time
Elder Hernandez and Raising Canes

- Got to play soccer and basketball with some Japanese exchange students
The ζ—₯本人 squad

Also this week I found out Parker Morgan past away this last week. Him and I were not best friends or anything, but I did know him and it is always especially sad when young people pass away. And it was out of anyone's control. I have been praying for his family and close friends. I know that the Plan of Salvation can bring happiness and peace to everyone. #livelikeparker 

I wanted to share a quote from a talk given by our modern day prophet, President Nelson titled "The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation"

Ponder these three truths:
- The Restoration is a process, not an event, and will continue until the Lord comes again.
- The ultimate objective of the gathering of Israel is to bring the blessings of the temple to God’s faithful children.
- As we seek how to accomplish that objective more effectively, the Lord reveals more insights. The ongoing Restoration needs ongoing revelation.

I am so grateful for the Restoration of The Church or Jesus Christ, and for modern day revelation. I also know that the temple is an important place and is where we can go to feel close to our loving Heavenly Father. Even if you can't go inside, then go visit the temple grounds! It's a beautiful place and will being great feelings of peace, love, and comfort. 
Cool stained glass of the First Vision


Oh...also this week is transfers! I will leave it a suprise of what us happening, but it's pretty crazy! The things that are gonna happen to me are super rare. So look forward to next week! 

Song of the Week:
- A Moment Apart by ODESZA

Scripture of the Week:
- Alma 40:23 (The Book of Mormon). I am so grateful for this knowledge I have. It is something that I probably take for granted. I hope that if you
23 The asoul shall be brestored to the cbody, and the body to the soul; yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a dhair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and eperfect frame. 25 And then shall the arighteous shine forth in the kingdom of God.

Have a great week, 
Elder Ditto

Monday, March 7, 2022

Meeting Drake in Utah!

What a time to be alive my friends. This week it was 70° one day, and then just yesterday it was dumping snow. Pretty wild. 

Last monday after our preparing for the week, we had a pretty crazy experience/visit with a man. I won't share much, but one thing I really felt was God's love for this man and that Heavenly Father is proud of his desire to try. Not even just him actually trying but I really feel like God is excited when we first have that DESIRE change and do better. I know He can work with that. All we gotta do is surrender our will to His. This man also shared with us some really personal and raw things that made him vulnerable. That takes humility, courage and trust. We barely even said anything the whole time. We just sat there and listened, and showed him we cared. Literally I probably said like three sentences the whole time. We prayed together and while I was saying the prayer I felt so much love for this man and especially for my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. I love the gospel and I love trying to do better every day. 

Other notable events: 
- Spent 3 days in Evanston, Kemmerer, and Green River Wyoming doing exchanges! It was really enjoyable and I met tons of great people.
Welcome to Utah!! 

- Met a guy who lives in Puerto Rico cuz taxes are cheaper and he has his own business and does stokes haha. We talked to him while on the way home from WY and stopped at a truck stop. We showed him the Book of Mormon app and he loved it and was hyped to listen while he drives his trucks around.
 Park City

- Went on an exchange with Young Chap's #1 fan.
Crazy story: but basically this family knows Elder Nogueira and his sister met the mom a while ago and now her son is on a mission and was his MTC comp! 

- Met a guy named Drake on an exchange. Sadly he doesn't rap, but he doesn't play basketball for Westminster.
Elder Hernandez and myself

- Had a zoom call with some missionaries to follow up on the trainings we have been giving. It's pretty crazy to see the difference between the missionaries who have chosen to follow Preach My Gospel and those who aren't. It takes humility to change. Blessings come when following servants of Christ, and align with the brethren. 

OZ GOT BAPTIZED! I got to go visit (literally a 5 min drive from our apartment right now haha) and watch him make that covenant with his Heavenly Father! So sick. It was really awesome getting to see a lot of my friends from my last area. Oh, and Dee gave that closing prayer! That was rad.
Oz's baptism

Okay but this week was SO exhausting. Me and Elder Hernandez did not get as much sleep as we are supposed to since we were all over the place all the time. But it is cool cuz never will I ever have this opportunity to serve the Lord with this much dedication and time. And I have seen blessings and support from God. 
Salt Lake Capital

Song of the Week:
- "I Hear A Call" by The Lower Lights

Scripture of the Week:
- 3 Nephi 23:9-14 (The Book of Mormon). I love this scripture!! It is so cool how Jesus Christ teaches and asks his disciples to write the miracles and teachings down. They chose not to write the things that Christ commanded them to...probably thinking that they can do just find remembering it themselves. BUT that was not what was asked of them. Christ commanded them to write those teachings down. Once Nephi realized he didn't do what was commanded of him, he repented and recorded those teachings. Then after those things were written, Jesus Christ expounded upon the words. I know that it is an eternal principle to record and write down things, especially things that are of God. 

Verily I say unto you, I commanded my servant aSamuel, the Lamanite, that he should testify unto this people, that at the day that the Father should glorify his name in me that there were bmany csaints who should darise from the dead, and should appear unto many, and should minister unto them. And he said unto them: Was it not so?

10 And his disciples answered him and said: Yea, Lord, Samuel did prophesy according to thy words, and they were all fulfilled.

11 And Jesus said unto them: How be it that ye have not awritten this thing, that many bsaints did arise and appear unto many and did minister unto them?

12 And it came to pass that Nephi remembered that this thing had not been written.

13 And it came to pass that Jesus commanded that it should be awritten; therefore it was written according as he commanded.

14 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had aexpoundedall the scriptures in one, which they had written, he commanded them that they should bteach the things which he had expounded unto them.

Have a great week, 
Elder Ditto