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Monday, April 25, 2022

Following Christ At Any Age

Okay before I even start... I wanna point out that I have been spending the last 2ish weeks spelling "appendix" (like the organ) wrong haha. Obviously English and grammar and stuff are not my forte. So ya... learn something new every day. 
Exchanges with Elder Griffiths and Elder Tupai

This weekend was a special one. Two of the friends we have been teaching chose to be baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. One guy I even taught when I served in this area a year ago. Dave and Aubrie are both great examples to me. It's crazy too cuz they are in very different places in their life...but they both are following God's commandment to be baptized. A little about each of them:

After Dave's baptism

Dave has been taught by missionaries for over four years. He has always struggled with smoking, and that was one of the big things that held him back. Then we gave him a pretty big break of missionaries coming over, and he gave us a call saying he wanted to go to church and he quit smoking. Now, a few weeks later, he bore his testimony after his baptism and said "my testimony has grown a lot. I know it will keep getting stronger and changing. So I am probably going to be sharing it every month in testimony meeting at church." Dave is a beast. 

Aubrey's baptism

Aubrie is setting the example for her parents and sister. Her parents aren't members, but she is trying to help encourage her mom to get baptized now! We met her last transfer and man she is a crazy kid. Kinda hard to teach...but she is a smart kid. 

Some of the other things that happened this week:

 Post haircut with Dave

- I gave Dave a haircut for his baptism. It looked pretty fire.
Utah mountains

- saw a guy with that typical "heart moms" tattoo. Like the one with a heart and then a ribbon over the heart and it said mom on it. Pretty wild cuz I didn't know people actually have that tattoo Haha. I do love my mom tho 
I got to see Titus, Abby, and Sixella on exchanges!

- A mail-lady yelled "you guys are the greatest" after we had been talking with a very confusing and not nice man. A little tender mercy
Elder Nogueira and a Korean Corndog

- I ate traditional Karenni food!!

Trying to fish a canal 

-I went fishing on pday. We were given some broken poles when we were on visits in Wyoming and so we added some pieces from a broken watch to use at weights. 

- Talked to someone who had appendicitis and prayed with them. Pretty crazy timing since I just lost mine. I got to help comfort them.

Also, I wanted to give a shoutout to my cousin Sawyer! He just got baptized this last weekend and I wish I could have been there but I know he made the right decision to follow Jesus Christ's example and God's commandments! 

Song of the Week:
- When I Am Baptized (The Children's Songbook)

Scripture of the Week:
"And they were among the people of Nephi, and also numbered among the people who were of the church of God. And they were also distinguished for their zeal towards God, and also towards men; for they were perfectly honest and upright in all things; and they were firm in the faith of Christ, even unto the end." (Alma 27:27 (The Book of Mormon))
 - - This scripture was shared by Brother Hoggan at Dave's baptism. I've been thinking about these sorts of topics for quite a few weeks. I really like this scripture and wanted to invite you all to, with me, think about how you are doing with being "firm in the faith of Christ" and being "perfectly honest and upright in all things". I know improving ourselves in this aspect will bring blessings.

- Elder Ditto

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