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Monday, July 4, 2022

Goodbye Priers, Hello Condies!

It's official!! The Priers are gone, and now we have a new Mission President! President and Sister Condie are amazing. 

They do things and think WAY differently than the Priers, but they are bringing new ideas and thoughts to the mission. It's especially crazy getting a new Mission President because he is brand new to the mission, but he is expected to lead it right away and help counsel other missionaries. So we have been trying our best to catch them up to speed on everything. This has been a good reminder that change is good and brings growth. 

A few notable points from the week:
Meet and Greet pics

- Held "Meet and Greets" throughout the mission. Got to go to Evanston, Wyoming again, which is fun. Also enjoyed lunch with the Condies in Coalville
Elder Knight and I

- Finished up a lot of last-minute things to help the Priers leave with peace and the Condies come in with peace
Elder Nogueira, Martinez and myself

- Sad hugs and goodbyes to the Priers
Me pondering

We had a scary encounter with a lady who went into a panic attack and seizure while we were at the U of U institute waiting to teach someone. I was standing by this young lady, and she just turned and looked at me with fear in her eyes. She reach out her hand and I grabbed it while smiling and trying to give her some words of comfort. Then she said a few words and her whole body got super tight. She started to fall off her seat so I ran around the table and slowly lowered her onto the ground. Then she started to seize. While saying prayers in my head, I tried to look around and call for some help from someone who is a little more knowledgeable than me in the medical field haha. Nobody else was there. So I kept trying to comfort her with my words. Eventually, she stopped seizing and I turned her on her side cuz she started to spit up a lot. She was still unresponsive this whole time tho. A few minutes later, a medical person from FSY showed up and a few minutes later a police officer and then the ambulance came. They took over and were able to help the lady out. It was especially crazy cuz she said she has never had a seizure before. She even called us later that night saying she wanted to meet up and say thank you. I know God is in the details and cares about each of us as individuals. 

Pretty wild week. I just wanted to say thank you to my parents for teaching me everything I know basically. They are the best. Also thank you to everyone who has served our country. Such a blessing getting to live in a free country. Happy 4th! 

Song of the Week:

Scripture of the Week:
- 3 Nephi 5:13 (The Book of Mormon). This is our new mission scripture, so I gotta put it somewhere. 
13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been acalled of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

Elder Ditto 

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