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Monday, July 11, 2022

Crying at a Dinner Appointment

I pray you all had an enjoyable and safe 4th of July this last week. 
 Member dinner with the Robinson's 

Ours was good! We even got to see a few fireworks on our drive home that night. But the crazy part was, we were trying to visit someone we are trying to teach in an apartment complex in the Gateway mall area...but they had this huge 4th of July party event going on. There were so many people and the roads were blocked off, so we couldn't even get into the complex we wanted to. I guess satan works in strange ways sometimes. 
Me and Mateo. I'm wearing the tie he gave me.

Come Follow Me (bible study) group pic

This week we had MLC with President Condie and his wife. It was quite different than what MLC normally has looked like in this mission, which was a reminder that change is good, and it allows for new ideas and thoughts to be shared. Overall a really good meeting. 

Other notable events: 

- We met a University of Utah football player who said we can come back and talk about our faith. 

- We got fed by some members on Saturday, and I started to cry when I was getting the food served lol. 
Idk what happened but apparently I was really excited and grateful for the time they took to make a nice dinner. I think it mostly just reminded me of my mom...who I miss a lot. Love you, mom!
Crazy people

- Saw these young people protesting with the American flag being flown upside down. Pretty crazy what's happening in the world. I am not even a political person, but it makes me sad that people feel like they need to express themselves with those vulgar words, etc. 
 The Ensign College Instagram story

- Went to a little Ensign college event/party and made it on their Instagram 
Dodi and the companionship 

Elder Thiess, Nogueira and myself 

Song of the Week:
- Lord, I Would Follow Thee. I love the line "Savior, may I learn to love thee." I know I have learned to love my Savior. I am so grateful for the time I get to serve Him in this unique way. I am excited to continue to dedicate my life to Him. 

Scripture of the Week:
- John 15:12 (The New Testament). I know that loving those around us is a commandment from God. I have really grown in this aspect as I have gotten to serve a mission. I hope we all strive to love more and pray for those around us. 
12 This is my commandment, That ye alove one another, as I have bloved you.
Me and Elder Kongaika

Elder Ditto 

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