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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Someone Slashed Our Tires?!

Hola todos! 

We got to go to the young men's activity this last week and it was awesome. We just shoveled snow with them and then played chair soccer. It was super fun and productive. For all you missionaries: if you aren't involved much in the youth program, then START NOW! 

Taking to my mom on Day

We met this guy named Ian after working out one morning and waiting to get our sack breakfast from the hotel (jeez that sounds spoiled lol. Don't worry tho, after being here since October, all I get is milk, juice, and a banana usually. It gets old after a while). We had a really interesting conversation about religion and what he believes, and what we believe (more like what he thinks we believe). It was a good conversation tho and I think everyone left with more knowledge and things to think about. 
Some more tech decks I made 

After one of our member messages, one of the kids was whispering to his dad and had his phone pulled out very intently. Then after a few minutes of saying bye, the dad said "I wasn't going to say anything about it...but me and my sons have been playing a lot Pokemon Go and we jsut caught a Ditto Pokemon. And you're wearing a purple sweater and my son thought that was funny." Just the everyday life of a Ditto. I'm basically a celebrity. 
flat tire πŸ€—

Also this week we got a flat tire. Idk how it happened so my only explanation is we got out tire slashed. I highly doubt this was the case (especially since it slowly went down over a few days/weeks haha), but who knows. 
Lots of opportunities for shoveling

We got to shovel a lot this week and that was fun. Now I try to find joy in the little things lol. 
Elder Cooper tried to use the dishwasher but melted a spoon instead 

Scripture of the Week:
- 2 Nephi 9 (The Book of Mormon). 

This whole chapter is soo good. It's been my favorite chapter for a while now. Give it a good read. 

Song of the Week:
- Rejoice in Christ RIC v3 by Young Chap. 

This song is absolutely fire. So many bars and he spits facts. Seriously such a sick song. Also all the missionaries in my fam got a shootout so that makes it extra dope. I will attach the file, so all you missionaries can bump it with your District next District Council. Link to soundtrack:

Lyrics: REJOICE IN HIM Who you gonna call when life gets hard? No ghost busters. You gotta call up on God When it feels like your by yourself and your all alone. Remember youve got angels all around you and they’re cheering you on Life’s a wavy sea but He can make it calm He died for me you can see it on his palm You can feel the Holy Ghost like fire no alarm He wants us back with him wrapped up inside his arms Rejoice in Him. Preach the word. Be a light Try not to sin. Always serve, pray all day and night They’ll be coming again once everybody hears About the truths said by the prophets and the seers I can go on a mission just to speed it up Like Alex Alexa Tyler and Malia He’s the perfect lamb. No flaws no sins He died for me Thats the atonement They made a plan for us and it’s perfect We can be washed in his blood like detergent He bled for me In gethsemane He knows exactly what you go thru Your not soloing Yosemite You’ve got the rope hooked up and He’s belaying you 5k people to feed 2 fish 5 loaves, so what you gonna do you cant walk across the road. To grocery outlet, bargain market, James and John were both like darnet. Then he was like “I got this guys Ill just go and pray apon it.” You can be good Or you can be bad You can be happy Or you can be sad Savior or Satan, its your choice But Imma pick Christ and Rejoice Who you gonna call when life gets hard? No ghost busters. You gotta Call up on God When it feels like your by yourself and your all alone. Remember youve got angels all around you and they’re cheering you on Life’s a wavy sea but He can make it calm He died for me you can see it on his palm You can feel the Holy Ghost like fire no alarm He wants us back with him wrapped up inside his arms Rejoice in Him. Preach the word. Be a light Try not to sin. Always serve, pray all day and night They’ll be coming again once everybody hears About the truths said by the prophets and the seers I can go on a mission just to speed it up Like Alex Alexa Tyler and Malia No Liahona in my hand, he’s my guide Cant catch a fish, throw it on the other side Im talking about the net Im tryna catch a trout You could not forget You can not doubt That he died for you and he died for me And he cares about you and he cares about me And he cares about us, And I want his trust, If your ever doubting send your questions up above Im spitting facts, you can run miles on miles on end and keep running laps You can run and not be weary like Kipchoge You could like a sweet life I aint talking Zack and Cody Sit back let him take the wheel I aint talking Nascar I talking about the real deal Big Russ is the prophet I aint talking bologna The Book of Mormons true, and thats my testimony This is when Rhetts preaches** Rejoice in Him. Preach the word. Be a light Try not to sin. Always serve, pray all day and night They’ll be coming again once everybody hears About the truths said by the prophets and the seers I can go on a mission just to speed it up Like Alex Alexa Tyler and Malia Rejoice in Him. Preach the word. Be a light Try not to sin. Always serve, pray all day and night They’ll be coming again once everybody hears About the truths said by the prophets and the seers I can go on a mission just to speed it up Like Alex Alexa Tyler and Malia Hyrum finishes it up
Luv is Rage, 

Elder Ditto

Monday, February 15, 2021

Being Cupid for Christ's Love

This week was one of the slowest weeks yet... On Wednesday I thought it was Friday, so that really just messed up the whole week lol. It wasn't a bad week tho. We did some good stuff. 

Oquirrh mountain temple

Smoker Scare: 
- First off, shoutout to Barnes 姉妹 for always saying "γ³γ£γγ‚Š" whenever you're scared. I wish I was so fluent in Japanese that I would say it without thinking haha. Anyways, we went to go visit this family who we were told to stop by and see how they were doing. When we walked up to the door, I knocked and then heard this guy to the right of us (hidden behind all this junk and sitting on an office swivel chair) say "HEY. What are you guys doing." I swear my heart jumped. I had no idea there was anyone there and then when I did come aware of his existence, I thought he was some homeless guy (there are tons of homeless peeps around here) just mooching off this families little corner smoking a cig. Turns out he's the guy we were trying to visit haha. He was nice and had just gotten done with dialysis so he was wiped. His wife later came out to join him in destroying her lungs sadly. They said we can come back and visit later. 
Oh and we played spikeball last week

- We visited this nice lady this week named Sister Nipper. We were looking for her son to talk to him mostly but I guess he's in prison now so sadly we didn't meet him. Let me tell you tho... It's hard not to laugh during a prayer while saying "Nipper." I don't think that has ever come out of my mouth during a prayer prior to then. 

Exchanges with a 7 footer:
- Our ZL (zone leader (a companionship who helps run some meetings and go on "exchanges" with missioanries in our zone) Elder Peterson is 7ft tall. He's so cool. We get along really well and man I wish I could be comps with him. Hanging out and visiting peeps with him on Tuesday afternoon made it a fun day. 

Made myself a tech deck:
My new deck (it's not done yet)

- If you want a custom board then lemme know haha. Maybe I'll start a business out here. 

It Snowed:
- Man, still a weak Utah winter. But we did get some snow this week which was good. 
Moving sticks with dogs 

Moving Sticks:
- We got to help a fam move some sticks, leaves, and cement blocks into a Uhaul (Not the way I could suggest to move dirty stuff but it worked). They also have a nice dog.

Call me Cupid:
- Sister Lafortune sent me some Valentine's Day cards to make for people. THANK YOU! What a great idea. So all day Sunday basically, we delivered Valentine's Day Cards to different people in the wards we are over and lots of single ladies. It was so fun actually. We got to see almost everyones reactions. 
Homemade Valentine's cards 

The best one was probably Felicia and Valerie when they said "What the heck...what is this?.....oh wait...its from the Elders....who are the Elders?.... OH! Mom it's from the missionaries!...wait why did they just leave this card on the door?...oh it's a Valentine! That's so nice of them." 

Well thats pretty much this whole week. Hopefully you guys had a great week and got to celebrate Single Awareness Day😍
I got to see my boi Kapono. What a beast! We are serving in the same zone right now.

Song of the Week:
- Kokomo by The Beach Boys. The Beach Boys are so good. This one is especially good too. 

Scripture of the Week:
- Alma 43:54 (The BoM). 
54 Now Moroni, when he saw their aterror, commanded his men that they should stop shedding their blood.
This week I was thinking about how to be bold as a missionary and why it's is a good thing. I'm also reading in the war chapters and this is when Moroni is commanding his men to stop fighting. Moroni is a great example to me. 

Elder Ditto

I just had to try this Facebook challenge. It was just so dang cute.

Share your story! Valentine’s Day is coming! ❤️

Here’s our story:
How’d you meet: my parents introduced us
First Date: probably EFY when I was like 14
How long have you been together: 20 years. But The Big Man Upstairs might say only a few years...
Married: basically
Age difference: bro nobody can count that high
Who is older: Obviously her
Who was interested first: I wish I could say I was... but probably not
Who is taller: Me by a long shot
Who said I love you first: The Big Man Upstairs
Most impatient: 私 (Me)
Most sensitive: probably me cuz she's just a book. But She definetly comforts me more
Loudest: Me... she can only talk through The Big Man Upstairs, which can make it hard to hear her
Most stubborn: 私 (Me)
Falls asleep first: not even a question. Sometimes I fall asleep without even looking at her ☹
Cooks better: for sure me
Better morning person: literally have no idea. Maybe me
Better driver: Me. Unless Tiwi is present...
Most Competitive: Me
Funniest: The Big Man Upstairs
Where do you eat out most as a couple?: Probably just good ol' McDanks
Who is more social?: Me
Who is the neat freak?: idk
Where was your first kiss?: gross..... never
How long did it take to get serious?: wayy too long
Who's indecisive?: Me. The Man Upstairs always got his stuff together
Who spends more?: Me. Shoutout to tithing for helping me tho
Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?: It should be me. But never is
Who sings better?: 私
Who hogs the remote?: I don't use remotes. I use my mind
Did you go to the same high school?: depends who you ask
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together?: currently probably just Utah...sadly...hopefully to Japan one day tho
Who drives when you're going somewhere together?: She can't drive
Post a picture of you and your valentine! πŸ’–
The Book of Mormon:)
Fr tho, this book is amazing. If you haven't read it, then please do. I can even get you a free one 😊

Monday, February 8, 2021

Choosing to Be Baptized!

Another week in the bag! Lots of stuff happened this week and we were super busy. I will just list off the stuff that happened cuz if I try to make a cohesive letter, that won't happen. 
Helping a lady with yard work

Call from President Prier: 

Last peeday we got a call from President on our way to go shopping...side note: whenever you get a call from your Mission President there are two options (at least for me right now); either I am going to Japan or I got in trouble. πŸ˜­Luckily somehow this call wasn't either. It was just about Valerie (this lady we have been teaching and the one tnag got baptized this sunday) and her membership record number. So it wasn't too bad.

Uhaul Masters: πŸ‘¨πŸ”§
Last week we helped two people move and boy oh boy it was wild. Helping old ladies move that want there stuff in an exact spot makes moving a bit less fun...

Happy 88th Birthday:
German Grandma Mueller

We went by this lady's house last week who told us about another older lady who was turning 88 next week! We we came by and wished her a happy birthday. She is a super funny German lady who loves the gospel and also likes to roast people lol. πŸ’²

Farting Grandma:☠
We also helped this other older lady move some stuff around her yard and clean up her dirt piles, etc. On the way up from her basement carrying boxes, she ripped a massive one. I could barely breath and hold in my tears/laughter. What a day.

Ninja the Kid:
We met a mid named Ninja. πŸ˜ˆHow gnar is that?!

Skating and The Gospel:
We finally met Milo (the kid we have been trying to meet with for a while) and I brought up skating and we are hopefully gonna skate together. He was super closed which was odd until I started to talk to him about his board and skating. We all have our own talents and interests for a reason.πŸ’ͺ Use them with your missionary work! We can connect with others and be friends with people cuz of that. 

Fia let us in?!:πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
We stopped by this lady who keeps self referring herself but never lets us in again, and she actually let us in! We read some of The Book of Mormon together and she said she wants to read it with us every Saturday now! Whoot whoot

*Attention Spokane Peeps:
If you see Elder Richards (a missionary who is coming out of Dai Ichi Ward) then say what's up and tell him hi for me. You guys are getting an awesome new missionary next month! #plug

 Us at the Baptism for Felicia (the one doing the peace sign) and Valerie

Felicia and Valerie chose to be baptized and were both baptized on Sunday! It was a super amazing experience and I was actually asked by Valerie to be the one to baptize her! That made it extra special. I am so happy for them! 
My family was able to watch the baptism via zoom.  This is a screenshot they took.

The only problem was that when I baptized Valerie, her feet flew off the ground and I had to basically just pick her up and do a dead lift lol. Also when Felicia was baptized, everyone clapped and cheered, which was so awesome to feel the excitement in the room from her friends and family. πŸ‘πŸ‘

Songs of the Week: 
- I Stand All Amazed by BYU Vocal Point. 

This song is so powerful! Wow, the lyrics hit hard this week. We sang it at multi district council and I felt so many different emotions. God really is marvelous and a perfect God. I love this song.

Scripture(s) of the Week: 
- Matthew 11:28 (The New Testament). 
28 ¶ aCome unto me, all ye that blabour and are heavy laden, and I will give you crest.
This scripture Give a me so much peace! We can find rest and peace in Christ. All we have to do is allow him to comfort and be apart of our lives!

- Alma 40:5 (The Book of Mormon). 
Now, whether there shall be one time, or a asecond time, or a third time, that men shall come forth from the dead, it mattereth not; for God bknoweth all these things; and it sufficeth me to know that this is the case—that there is a time appointed that all shall rise from the dead.
God knoweth all things! Have faith in what he can do and how much he loves you!

Love, Elder Ditto

Monday, February 1, 2021

We are here bowling

I hope everyone had a gnarly week and got to do something fun. This was my first full week with Elder Cooper and it was pretty good. It's weird not having a comp who was called to Japan too and knows Japanese. But I guess I get my fill of that cuz everyone thinks that Elder Cooper was called to Japan originally too. So we always have to explain that he was called here English and for some reason is in the Japanese area. 
The best purchase on my mission thus far... lil boat 4 life

 "The fridge" is this fridge that this older kind couple owns and stocks with drinks and sweets for missionaries.This is something that would ONLY exist in Utah, haha. You literally just walk into their backyard and then open this fridge with a note on it and take one of anything you want.

Quote of the week: 
*knocks on door*
People we are visiting: "who is it?"
Elder Cooper: "The missionaries"
People we are visiting: "Sorry we are naked"
Elder Cooper: "Okay is there a better time when we could come back?"
People we are visiting: "Thanks"

Idk... I feel like that quote explains itself pretty well. We had a good laugh after and felt a bit uncomfortable too. 
This chair is sick

This week we also got to go bowling!! WHOOT WHOOT. A guy from the Japanese ward brought one of his friends to church while we were in quarantine, and then he said that we should meet up with him sometime. He suggested we all go bowling together....we couldn't pass that up! 
Oh and here is the bowling crew. Shion and Mary are on the far left. Our new friend Aven is right next to me. And the Dai ichi bois are in the middle.

Oh, I also saw a skater kid this week and got to talk to him for a while. He was super cool and was almost as good as my bros, Coop and Nate. He was still trying to get his kickflips down tho. It's always fun getting to talk to skater kids. 

Sad news: Shion and Mary are leavingπŸ˜• I've talked a bit about them before in my emails, but they are a super cool couple who got married while I have been serving in Dai Ichi. Shion's parents are in the ward and are so cool. I love the Abe's. Oh and also, apparently some people don't know this, but yes, I am serving in a Japanese ward and it's the coolest ward I know. 
 A zoom call with everyone in Dai ichi wearing gaming headsets

Okay well that's basicslly the whole week. We just did a lot of member visits and visited peeps on this list given to us. 
Member visit...she sent this picture to my mom.

Scripture of the Week: 
- Alma 37:36-37 (The Book of Mormon). 

36 Yea, and acry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy bdoings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy cthoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.

37 aCounsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for bgood; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the cmorning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

One thing I really love about the scripture is that it says "let..." We NEED to LET Christ be a part of our lives, and LET him bless our lives. His arms are always open for us and all we need to do is let him in.

Song of the Week: 
The River of Jordan by The Lower Lights

Most of the Lower Lights songs I mostly just like because my mom loves them and would always play them when I was a young chap (shoutout Young Chap). It has good memories and bad memories with it lol. 
These signs are always sad for us. Especially when they are supposedly a member of the church.

Love, Elder Ditto