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Monday, March 29, 2021

Ant Infestation

What a good week! Honestly nothing really good happened but it feels like it was a good week haha. 
Japanese koto

As a missionary, we live, sleep, eat, think missionary work all the time. So sometimes it comes out in my sleep since I sleep talk (Elder Ross and my brothers know what I'm talking about). Anyways, this week in my dreams Elder Peterson told me that I said, "Will you be able to come to church tomorrow? And then Elder Peterson said, "Yes" and then I said "お願いします” ("please"). Which doesn't really make sense but kinda funny and Japanese dreams are cool.
Japanese candy

We also got to speak in our church service in one of our English wards. We talked about deepening our discipleship with Christ and missionary work. Writing and giving talks as a missionary is so much easier too 😂 I've always enjoyed speaking with people but stuttering makes it a lot harder. But since being a missionary I feel like I've seen a bit less stuttering in myself. I can't say the same with Japanese but it will get there, haha. 
We helped this other guy move and found this sick mascot head.

I got to see Kohtastsu again this week so that awesome! It had been a long time since I had seen him. He's doing well. Keep him and his family in your prayers please! 
We moved this guy this week and I got to borrow his skateboard for a sec.

Update on the nasty apartment we live in... I tore out the nasty bathroom rug thing and cleaned it to the best of my ability. Then we got a new rug (and it will NOT go next to the toilet). Seems like progress right? 
After we took out the nasty rug 

But then I noticed that in our kitchen I have been killing quite a few ants. Then yesterday and today I killed easily over 100 ants. So I called our housing guy and turns out we have an ant infestation (duh). SICKK. Thanks nasty apartment.... and thanks to the other elders who lived here before and trashed this place. 

So ya that was pretty much my week. We also helped some people move some stuff and clean. So that was good. If you wanna send me a love note or something, then here is my address:

Elder Tyler Ditto
Utah SLC Mission
3487 S 1300 E
Salt Lake City, Utah 84106
Elder Peterson and me

Oh also don't forget that this weekend is General Conference and Easter weekend! Double whammy... so sick! I am excited to listen to our modern day prophets and apostles talk. Make sure to really focus in Christ this week! 

Song of the Week:
- I Know He Lives by David Archuleta.  My mom sent me this song this week.  So good!

Scripture of the Week:
- Alma 62:41 (The Book of Mormon). 
41 But behold, because of the exceedingly great length of the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become hardened, because of the exceedingly great length of the war; and many were softened because of their aafflictions, insomuch that they did humble themselves before God, even in the depth of humility.

This scripture is fireee. I loved how even though everyone experienced the same sort of issue with the length and difficulty of the war there were still two different responses. One side was all hardened and mad and the other was softened and humbled themselves. 

Love you all!
Elder Ditto


  1. Happy Easter Tyler. Feel bad for you and that apartment. It sure makes you appreciated your own home so much more now doesn’t it? I love hearing that speaking in church is easy for you. I’m sure it will be like always in your future now too. Thank you for including me in your e-mails because I love reading them. Have a great week and let the Lord lead you and your decisions this week. Love from the Peterson’s

  2. Sorry for your ant investation and inheriting a nasty missionary apartment. Sad and pitiful that missionaries don't follow D&C 88:119.=) So glad you're being such a good example! Keep up the good work!
