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Monday, March 22, 2021

Getting Kicked Out of The Hotel?!?

Wow, what a week....

Cool Japanese garden

It started off with us getting a call from out AP's (assistants to the mission president) saying that Elder Cooper was getting Emergency transferred that night. So we had to do all the visits and lessons we had for that night and then hurry and help Elder Cooper pack and he was gone by like 9:30pm. So now its just me and Elder Peterson. 

Stories of the week:

We are moving:
Saying "bye" to the hotel Elders squad

Friday night we got a call saying we had to move to this apartment in Holliday... I was not excited. So we had a crazy weekend. We had to pack up all our stuff and be out in less than 24 hours. 

My new apartment is pretty nasty and old. Too many nasty missionaries have lived here I think lol. 

There is this mystery rug duct taped to the bathroom floor that probably has like 20 years of missionaries on it and gallons of urine. Lots of cleaning ahead for me.

We visited this family from the Japanese ward and this grandma who didn't know we speak Japanese looked at her granddaughter said (in Japanese : "Wow look at that cute boy! He is cute isn't he?!" And then  the granddaughter was like "Grandma he speaks Japanese!" And then she started blushing and I started dying laughing and said "ありがとう.” It was funny. 
Japanese garden with Elder peterson

Skinny Elder:
Sister Gates told me I looked extra skinny the other day haha

Dreaming in Japanese:
Elder Peterson said that the other night I started speaking in Japanese and then at the end said ”ちょっとやばい” 

Saying Bye to Mace:
Saying "bye" to Mace 

I had to say "bye" to my man Mace (the guy who gives us breakfast in the hotel). It was sad. I've seen that guy almost every single day since October... we were good friends. I made sure to get a pic with him too. 

Meeting Zoe and Getting Fed:
Our first day moving into the apartment was a lame day. Everything was going wrong and then we went to go do some missionary work and I thought we should run by this lady's house who we had been trying to contact for a while. Then when we knocked on her door she let us in and her niece was there and we started talking about God and Jesus. She turned nine years old that day and said she wants to get baptized! So crazy and such a way to turn the day around! Then later that night I had skipped dinner because I was cleaning and unpacking. So when we were out visiting people that night I was starving. Then we visited a woman named Fia and she brought us "Mo Betta's" (Hawaiian take out)! Another answer to a prayer. So good.
Our new whip!

I was a Branch President:
During our Sacrament meeting with the old people branch, the branch president couldn't read the paper he was trying to, so I got to read all of the branch announcements and act as the Branch President for like 5 minutes haha. Probably will never happen again. 
My new calculator watch

I got to bless the sacrament in Japanese this week. I also gave some priesthood blessings to some really special people. I am grateful for those experiences. 

Overall a pretty weird week with lots of ups and downs

Song of the week: 
- "Big or Small" by the 2017 EFY album 

Scripture of the week: 
- Alma 57. So so good. Read it.

Love you all!
Elder Ditto 

1 comment:

  1. Love that grandma who didn't know you knew Japanese. What a cutie!
