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Monday, March 15, 2021

Praying with a Zombie

Yoooo whats good its Elder Ditto. Here are this weeks stories:

James and Nori Johnson (and their family) used to live in Yakima.  They now live in Utah and came to the Dah ichi ward!  It was so fun to meet them (I was really young when they moved away.)

Due to the fact I live in a hotel, our neighbors change almost daily. And some of our neighbors are a little louder than others. We have heard quite a few crazy parties or interesting couples staying near us. Most of which are not enjoyable experiences. The other night there was this huge group of people hanging out in the room right next to us that shares a wall with our bedroom. The noise level wasn't too bad until around 2am when this girl started freaking out because someone owed or maybe stole her money (not sure which). But boy oh boy she wanted this money NOW. She would not stop yelling and was like attacking this dude. It was tough to sleep that night.
Elder Neichman was given money and hair from some homeless lady. 

Litter Box Lady:
We have been visiting this lady and reading The Book of Mormon with her, and she is a nice lady. However, her home has the most rancid (as Poppy would say: foul) smell ever. I feel like I'm gonna pass out every time I go in there and when I walk out I wanna throw up. Anyways, this week was the first time taking Elder Peterson, so we warned him of the smell and he wasn't too worried. Until he was in there. Poor guy. Then when we got out he threw off this mask and said "my mask smells like cat anus now!".... not a good smell to have on your mask lol.
I got to hold some crazy reptiles 

Zombie Lady:
We stopped by this lady's house because one of our bishops wanted to know how she was doing. When I knocked on the door and she answered I could tell she was not all there and she was making crazy sounds and would start twitching and like spazzing out. So I asked her if we could pray for her right there. She said "yes" and while we were praying with her she started to run at me and grab me. She continued to say random things and then later we gave her a blessing. She said she has arthritis and Hep C. So all the drugs she is on makes her crazy I guess. It was really sad to see.

I have been wanting to skate for my whole mission and Tuesday was my lucky day. We were walking by his skatepark and I started to talk to this guy and wanted to see him do a nose blunt on this ledge (skate trick). After a few tries, I asked if I could borrow his board for a sec since I haven't skated in like 7 months now. Man it felt good to skate for a few minutes. I miss it a lot. The dude was really cool too and has just moved here this year. 
Changing a flat

Survey Time:
We have been doing this family history survey with people on the streets wuote a bit the last few weeks. One night on exchanges (when you swap companions for a few hours), we were doing this survey in Sugarhouse. At the very end of the night I wanted to get in one more survey so while walking back to our car we say this lady and I asked her if she would take a survey...she said "yes"...but right away I could tell this would be an interesting one. Every single question I asked she just looked at me like I was stupid and when I asked her if she knows of any inspirational stories from her ancestors she started going off on how she felt judged and how her life is hard because of white people and how we were judging her, etc. It was just crazy because we were being so nice to her and just wanted to learn a little about her family, but she just wanted to go off on us for some reason. Honestly this was the worst survey I've done and that's because the spirit was not there. The whole experience was uncomfortable and not enjoyable at all. I don't get why people cant just be nice and if they don't wanna talk then just say that nicely. Bruh moment of the week (Thanks Ben)

Nick Townsend:
Elder Townsend 

Yo I got to see Elder Townsend (one of my roommates from BYU) this week and that was so sick. It was great to see him again. He looks better than ever and I wish we could be companions one day. 
This week was also Zone Conference, so that is always fun to get to see everyone and learn a lot too. This time it was a lot about obedience and using technology safely. 
Lots of driving

High up in Highland

NEW UPDATE: Utah is opening up vaccines to everyone 16+ so that is super exciting. We as missioanries are supposed to get it in the next 6 weeks or so. I am excited and hopefully that helps me be able to get to Japan. Oh and also we just found out that we are now allowed to eat meals with members and have member prepared food. We are also allowed to tract (hopefully I never do this tho since it's no very productive), which is when you knock on random doors. 

Scripture of the Week:
- Alma 34:41 (The Book of Mormon). Patience is so important and something that we should always be working at to be better.
41 But that ye have apatience, and bear with those bafflictions, with a firm hope that ye shall one day rest from all your afflictions.

Song of the Week:
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing by Vocal Point. I love this song and Vocal Point is fire too. Always brings the spirit. 

Love you all!
- Elder Ditto

1 comment:

  1. Such a busy fulfilling week Tyler. You look great. I love seeing your pics and hearing all about your mission. God be with you always and continue to do all you can to spread the Gospel Elder.๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
