Yooo Fam Bam!
This week was pretty ehh and then I don't really know what to think of it after that. Here are the couple of things that happened this week:
Too much Carbs:
- Long story short, we ate this super fatty and cheesy noodle dish given to us and then has bread and butter with it. Then I was forced by this member to eat more dessert which was a LOT of fudge, ice cream, peanut m&m's, banana, sprinkles... Then after downing that we went to go give this lady a blessing for her surgery coming up. I had to focus so dang hard when giving the blessing to not pass out. I was literally flexing like my whole body
I didn't feel very good after or during the whole night... don't let people tell you what to eat, and eat healthy if possible
- Long story short, we ate this super fatty and cheesy noodle dish given to us and then has bread and butter with it. Then I was forced by this member to eat more dessert which was a LOT of fudge, ice cream, peanut m&m's, banana, sprinkles... Then after downing that we went to go give this lady a blessing for her surgery coming up. I had to focus so dang hard when giving the blessing to not pass out. I was literally flexing like my whole body
Teaching a Utah Politician:
- We visited this family who's dad was previously in the Utah government in some way (I don't remember what he was exactly). But they are really cool and sadly he lost the most recent election. But maybe he will help me become president one day or something like that.
Transfers Came Early:
- I'm Saturday morning, we got a call from President Prier saying that there was this Elder who needs to come into our area ASAP. Basically some stuff went down in his past area with his comps and some other missionaries (I won't get into the details), and he needs to leave. So we left our service project and picked up Elder Peterson (from Colorado and originally called to Kobe Japan as well). He is pretty cool. He's a nice guy who is a pilot and like a video games and band.
So ya, I will be in this Japanese area for at least another six weeks and then we will see. I will be with Elder Peterson and Elder Cooper still.
"I preform for people on stage":
- We are now teaching a cool guy who we met a few days ago. He's really nice and is retired. He used to be a male stripper and "stage performer". There might be some interesring stories to come from our encounters.
Satanic Cult Member:
-After sacrament meeting in the Japanese ward, these two guys came in the back if the chapel (one with some serious ice
and the other guy was a young adult with some cool tats too). They said they wanted to be given a blessing and for us to pray with them. Basically the young guy uses to be apart of an Irish satanic cult and was trying to get out of it so he had to flee to the US. He also is a member of some heavy metal band so he is recording the rest of his album while he is here anyways. The cult and his crazy satanic grandma is trying to sell his soul right night and are hunting for him. Definitely not how I expected my Sunday afternoon to go.
Also Elder Hamner (the Elder that lives below us and has been here since I got here and is going to Chile is leaving this transfer... So that's super sad). I will miss him
Love youuu all,
Elder Ditto
Since E. Petersen is also assigned to Kobe Japan do you only speak in Japanese while you're together? Make it a great week! love, the Button's