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Monday, June 21, 2021

House Fire and Cosmo

Another one in the books!
sick bike

First off - last week I got to go skate again on peeday but it was like 107 degrees so I was dying. We skated for 5 hours at 2 different parks. I seriously can't tell you how hot I felt. I ended up getting a bit burnt and was crazy exhausted after. BUT I met some super rad people. I will attach a pic of me and Elder Nogueira with our buddy Matthew we met. Kinda a long story but it was cool cuz his mom said I was an answer to her prayers being there at the park and talking to her 2 kids. 
Me and Nog and Matthew 

We also had a FIRE (good) Zone Conference and then after, we walked outside and there was a building on FIRE (like real fire). So that was kinda wild.
Smoke and fire 

I met Cosmo (one of them) and we figured out that there were many times when we were at the same events and I took pics with him haha. So shoutout to the BYU mascot. Go cougs 🐆
Giving the braille Book of Mormon to our friend 

The Keele family moved to Iowa:( very sad. Got to help them move and say bye. 
Saying "bye" to the Keeles 

Me and Elder Jeppson spoke in church this week which was fun. I talked about Fathers (both Heavenly and Earthly). 
My parents were able to listen/watch my talk over zoom and took this picture

Sad news: José is unsure about if he wants to get baptized now. I can't really explain everything cuz it would take way too long and I don't even understand it anyways. But keep him in your prayers, please. 
Best song ever and best movie ever 

More sad news: We invited SO many people to come listen to us speak in church and basically nobody came... only 2 peeps came. Which is super lame. Cuz SO many go them PROMISED they would be there. So that is kinda frustrating 
Dog shaking my hand 

Funny moment of the week: Someone in the middle of their talk in church, started to sing a hymn, instead of quoting it. I wasn't expecting it and it was acapella. 

Scripture of the Week: 
- Ether 12:4 (The Book of Mormon). This scripture talks all about faith and hope and how we can HOPE a better world. 
Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with asurety bhopefor a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which chope cometh of dfaith, maketh an eanchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in fgood works, being led to gglorify God.
Song of the Week:
- When I am Baptized. We had a baptism this week for a young boy in one of the wards we cover. We got to bring some of our friends who are working towards being baptized to it. It was pretty gnar.

Elder Ditto 

1 comment:

  1. Elder you look so happy and handsome. Remember that even though things don’t always turn out the way you think, never stop doing what the Lords asks of you. Planting seeds is sometimes even more important than you think. Love you Tyler❤️🙏🏻
