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Monday, July 5, 2021

Getting Told I'm Going To _______

Seven more days down! Lots of ups and downs from this week, haha. I hope you all had an amazing 4th of July. 

4th of July Tie 

This is honestly by far the lamest one of my life (hopefully ever haha). I literally only saw about four fireworks total 😂🎆 But at night these people were going wild with the fireworks right by our apartment, but I couldn't even see them. So I just got the annoying sounds without the cool explosions and colors, lol. Oh well. You win some you lose some. 
4th of July Parade 

This week started off with this lady that we started talking to, and she was honestly pretty nice. She was from Montana, so we connected well over that and I told her that I have family there. Then we started to talk about God and she said she uses to be a member of the church but then got offended by the bishop cuz he wouldn't give her a good food order one month. Now, cuz of that she hates Mormons. She then told us that we are going to hell👹. I was not bouts argue about that so I told her that I know that God loves her. Right when I said that she just got mad and like commanded us to go to hell. I have never been looked at in the eye and been told to go to hell. Pretty weird thing to do if you ask me 😂

Wishing Julius a happy birthday 

Other notable events:
- We helped this 95-year-old lady do some weeding. She wanted me to tell everyone we helped the oldest lady in the while stake. 
- Met a lady who was in the same mission and served around all the missionaries that are in the missionary show "The District"
- Got to see a 4th of July parade for a few minutes 
- No masks during church now!!!
- Me and Elder Moss (an Elder I went on exchanges with) were relationship counselors for like an hour lol. This guy we are teaching just complained about his roommate/girlfriend the whole lesson 
- Lots of exchanges with other missionaries. It's always fun to switch it up and serve with some new Elders 
Saying bye to Larry😔

SHOUTOUT TO DODI for doing my laundry for the last 12 weeks. He's this super nice guy from the Philippines. He has made my shirts the whitest they have ever been
Evening ride 

Also crazy story: I literally almost died while biking this week. This car pulled out of a pizza place and wasn't paying attention and I had to swerve out so I wouldn't smash into the car. I didn't really realize how far out the car was gonna go pull out so I ended up in the middle of this really busy road and luckily (definitely a blessing from Heavenly Father) I didn't get hit by any cars or anything. Then that car that almost hit me drove by and just waved at me like nothing happened lol. It wasn't really that scary at the moment but looking back, it coulda gotten real bad real fast. Thanks for the prayers 🙏🏽🤩
Saying bye to Elder Chadwick😢

UPDATE: This transfer ends on Wednesday and I found out I am being transferred out and will be training a new missionary. I am excited and nervous, haha. I am also really sad to be leaving this area and all the great people I have met here. But I look forward to making new friends and being in a new place. I won't know where I am going until later, so I will update you all next week. 

Scripture of the Week: 
- Moroni 7:33 (The Book of Mormon)
33 And Christ hath said: aIf ye will have bfaith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is cexpedient in me.

Song of the Week:

Much Love,  
Elder Ditto 

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