I hope this week was a good one. I really love Salt Lake. Crazy that this "Mormon hub" as many people would say...has SO many people to teach. We started teaching a ton of new people this week and came close to breaking our record for how many people we helped get to church! I am grateful for this time I get to serve a mission.
This week...
- our mission president's wife stuck her tongue out at my at MLC cuz she thought I was going against one of her comments

- got some crazy 7th DAY Adventist pamphlets
- I saw Elder Both!!! Crazy. Shout out to Cam (Sister Both). Ur bro is a beast!
- soo manh crazy busy days and exchanges. This week we had like ZERO downtime. I was so tired.
- Apparently the COSTCO in our area is the biggest Costco in the world. I dont have google, so I can't fact check that...but you might! So let me know if that's true.
- We were headed to a lesson and saw some people moving. We walked up and asked if we could help. The lady in the moving truck started tearing up and saying we were an answer to her prayers. They actually had a ton of big and heavy stuff, so they like really needed our help. It was pretty cool to be able to be an answer to a prayer!
- I shook a Muslim ladies hand, and then this other lady got mad cuz I guess they aren't allowed to touch men... oopsies.
- Lots of poop on the sidewalk. To quote Elder Hamner... "this is a kind of area where people let their dogs poop on the sidewalk and don't pick it up." But this one was in an apartment complex hallway 

- We had a cool opportunity to teach this guy early in the morning before a missionary meeting we had. Always gotta be ready to teach. He was a pretty nice Jewish man, but we found out he didn't really have an actual desire to change or have faith.
Okay quick story time: we went to Costco for dinner the other day, and it was so crazy. I have never felt like such a celebrity. In the few case minutes were in there, we had SO many people high five, fist bump, say "hey elders!," one asked to pay for our food (too late cuz we already bought it), etc. There was one high five in specific where we walked past this guy, and he didn't even say anything. He just stuck up his hand for a high five and gave us "the look." It was hilarious. I felt like I was an NBA star or something. Definitely some funny perks for serving in Salt Lake City 

Quote of the Week:
- "Oh no...don't drop your blunt"
Song of the Week:
- Joseph Smith's First Prayer. We sang this song during one of the sacrament meetings we went to this week, and it hit me hard. I love this song and I am so grateful for that prayer Joseph Smith offered. It changed my life.
Scripture of the Week:
- Alma 34:38 (The Book of Mormon). Thanksgiving is this week. Let's give THANKS all year round!! We receive so many blessings, and there is power in giving thanks and being grateful.
38 That ye acontend no more against the Holy Ghost, but that ye receive it, and take upon you the bname of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and cworship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in dthanksgiving daily, for the many emercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.
I would LOVE to hear an update from you and hear about all the amazing things you are doing. Let me know what's cookin' good lookin'. EMAIL ME! tyler.ditto@missionary.org
- Elder Ditto
Love the way you display and teach the Plan of Happiness - never seen it done that way before. Also, love the way everyone reacts to you in Costco - so fun!! You should go there once a week just for the shot in the arm!! love, the Button's