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Monday, April 25, 2022

Following Christ At Any Age

Okay before I even start... I wanna point out that I have been spending the last 2ish weeks spelling "appendix" (like the organ) wrong haha. Obviously English and grammar and stuff are not my forte. So ya... learn something new every day. 
Exchanges with Elder Griffiths and Elder Tupai

This weekend was a special one. Two of the friends we have been teaching chose to be baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. One guy I even taught when I served in this area a year ago. Dave and Aubrie are both great examples to me. It's crazy too cuz they are in very different places in their life...but they both are following God's commandment to be baptized. A little about each of them:

After Dave's baptism

Dave has been taught by missionaries for over four years. He has always struggled with smoking, and that was one of the big things that held him back. Then we gave him a pretty big break of missionaries coming over, and he gave us a call saying he wanted to go to church and he quit smoking. Now, a few weeks later, he bore his testimony after his baptism and said "my testimony has grown a lot. I know it will keep getting stronger and changing. So I am probably going to be sharing it every month in testimony meeting at church." Dave is a beast. 

Aubrey's baptism

Aubrie is setting the example for her parents and sister. Her parents aren't members, but she is trying to help encourage her mom to get baptized now! We met her last transfer and man she is a crazy kid. Kinda hard to teach...but she is a smart kid. 

Some of the other things that happened this week:

 Post haircut with Dave

- I gave Dave a haircut for his baptism. It looked pretty fire.
Utah mountains

- saw a guy with that typical "heart moms" tattoo. Like the one with a heart and then a ribbon over the heart and it said mom on it. Pretty wild cuz I didn't know people actually have that tattoo Haha. I do love my mom tho 
I got to see Titus, Abby, and Sixella on exchanges!

- A mail-lady yelled "you guys are the greatest" after we had been talking with a very confusing and not nice man. A little tender mercy
Elder Nogueira and a Korean Corndog

- I ate traditional Karenni food!!

Trying to fish a canal 

-I went fishing on pday. We were given some broken poles when we were on visits in Wyoming and so we added some pieces from a broken watch to use at weights. 

- Talked to someone who had appendicitis and prayed with them. Pretty crazy timing since I just lost mine. I got to help comfort them.

Also, I wanted to give a shoutout to my cousin Sawyer! He just got baptized this last weekend and I wish I could have been there but I know he made the right decision to follow Jesus Christ's example and God's commandments! 

Song of the Week:
- When I Am Baptized (The Children's Songbook)

Scripture of the Week:
"And they were among the people of Nephi, and also numbered among the people who were of the church of God. And they were also distinguished for their zeal towards God, and also towards men; for they were perfectly honest and upright in all things; and they were firm in the faith of Christ, even unto the end." (Alma 27:27 (The Book of Mormon))
 - - This scripture was shared by Brother Hoggan at Dave's baptism. I've been thinking about these sorts of topics for quite a few weeks. I really like this scripture and wanted to invite you all to, with me, think about how you are doing with being "firm in the faith of Christ" and being "perfectly honest and upright in all things". I know improving ourselves in this aspect will bring blessings.

- Elder Ditto

Monday, April 18, 2022

I Drove Myself to the Hospital! #SurgeryTime

Okay...okay...okay. Now, this week was by far the most strange week ever. You'll want to read this one. 

 Before surgery pain haha

It started off pretty normal with a really good Zone Conference, and then some solid exchanges. Then, Wednesday evening, I left my exchanges early so that I could swap out the car I was driving for a new Nissan Rogue. It's pretty sick. Definitely the lowest mileage of a car that I will ever "own." It literally had less than 20 miles on it. Then I picked up Elder Julian and Elder Wright and we got some Wendy's for dinner. My stomach had been hurting a bit this whole time, but I figured it was cuz I had canned salmon for lunch, or maybe because I was starving. Anyways...we ate our Wendy's and started our drive up to Wyoming, but my stomach still felt the same.

After taking a break in Coalville, I thought taking a poop might help my stomach. To my sadness...this did not end up being the case. I finished the drive to Evanston while my stomach kept getting worse. Once we got there, I tried taking some Pepto Bismol (in case it was food poisoning or something) and tried to get some sleep. As I lay on my mattress, trying to fall asleep, I realized that this mattress was less like a bed (it was an old hide-a-bed)and more like a grill or a cooking wire rack. Very very uncomfortable and not sleep-worthy. Especially with the pain, I was in. But...I decided to push through. I ended up not sleeping that night, and my stomach pain got worst. I tried texting and calling my mission nurse, and even my dad. But ended up getting ahold of my Mission President. He ruled out the fact of my stomach pain being food poisoning, and told me I need to go to the ER ASAP! Because my apendix may be exploding...and we wanted to rule that out. So I woke up my companions, and I drove us all to Evanston Regional Hospital. 
After getting checked in, I got a urine test, blood work, and a CT scan. I even threw up a few times due to pain. 
Me before surgery

Me before my CT scan

All these tests pointed to the fact that my apendix was very swollen and angry. By now it was around 7:30 am. The doctors then informed me I would be going into surgery at noon. Four more hours:((( 

So...I got some nausea medicine, an IV, some antibiotics, and some morphine to help with the pain. Fast forward four hours, and I was in surgery. It all went smoothly and thanks to the great doctors and nurses, I am recovering well. The doctor said my apendix was really swollen and he was amazed at how big it was. I also got a surprise visit from Jordan Packard who happened to be driving through Evanston, which was super thoughtful. There were so many tender mercies during this crazy trip. 
Facetiming my mom after surgery haha. I was still super loopy.

My first steps!!

One of my nurses, Kimberly and me

We ended up staying in Wyoming for four days, and Elder Geist and Elder Jones helped out a lot. I am excited to get back to normal missionary work and be able to do physical activities in a few weeks. 
My first real meal after surgery! Thanks mom

Here are a few other notable events from this last week:

- A dog peed in the church 

- I had my first Easter without an apendix!

- Ate Flamin' Hot Mac n' Cheetos for Easter lunch lol
Easter Lunch

- Made candy Sushi

I saw this video for the first time this week. I am sure it has been out for a few weeks now, but I wanted to share it with y'all here. Give it a watch and I would love to hear your thoughts! It is ALL Because Of Him! I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for me and you. 
The Good News | #BecauseOfHim Easter 2022

Song of the Week:
- I Am Trying To Be Like Jesus by The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. I feel like this is a very fitting song for Easter week. I hope you guys got to take extra time to focus on Christ this week.

Scripture of the Week:
- Matthew 28:6 (The New Testament). We got to share this scripture last night with this man named Michael. This is a very fitting scripture for Easter week!
He is not here: for he is arisen, as he said. Come, see the place where the bLord lay.

Love you guys, 
Elder Ditto

Some additional notes from my mom that she shared with my family and for journal keeping I think might be nice to have:

  • Tyler just called from Evanston Wyoming. He’s in the hospital with appendicitis. I guess he’s been feeling bad since yesterday but had a really bad night and wasn’t sure what to do. He called President Prier and he told him to go to the hospital. He’s waiting for the doctor and getting ready to go back for surgery. We just spoke with the doctor. It’s weird to not be involved or be there for support. His two other companions are there so I guess they’ll be his support.

  • I asked Tyler if he’d have his companions text us and keep us updated. I hope they do! It’s weird to not really even have his phone number. Whenever I get a Utah call from an unknown number my heart always jumps a bit. Of course, normally I think maybe it’s a call saying he’s going to Japan but…I haven’t considered appendicitis. He said he thought maybe he had food poisoning or something because he was in so much pain.

  • I just talked to Tyler. When he called he was all groggy and then said “I can’t remember why I’m calling you." Anyways he seemed in good spirits. He thinks his surgery will be in two hours now. I guess there are more important surgeries that need to be ahead of his. He thinks he might go home tonight from the hospital as long as there are no complications or It’s not more inflamed than they anticipate. He said he was such a young strapping handsome missionary that they wouldn’t need to keep them for very long. I asked him about recovery time and he said they told him he needed to take it easy for two weeks. He was super mad that he doesn’t get to play basketball. And that they said he can’t tract door-to-door. He’s allowed to go to one door and then he has to sit back in the car. 

  • He just arrived in Wyoming last night. I guess he wasn’t feeling good while they were driving. When they got to the Missionaries apartment he went to bed on a really horrible pull-out hide-a-bed. He said the pad was only like a quarter-inch thick and had those terrible metal bars everywhere. He tried to put cushions underneath it because it was so uncomfortable. He wasn’t sure if he would be going back to that apartment or what?

  • He said the doctor that is doing the surgery is a member of the church and went on a mission but is no longer active. He said he was spreading the good word to the nurses that were working with him. He also said now that he’s on the morphine drip he’s not in pain. I told him that it will sure be hard being in Utah in a couple of days and not seeing him and that it would be hard to not drop off some chicken noodle soup. He laughed and said, “that’s OK I don’t really even like chicken noodle soup.”So, all in all, he seemed to be happy and he’s anxious to feel better.

  • Update…
President Prier just called me. Apparently, the number listed is our home number and so that’s why he hadn’t called earlier in the day. He was so nice! We probably talked for 15 minutes. And the majority of that time he told me how much he absolutely loves Tyler. He actually broke down in tears and quietly cried for a couple of minutes.

Apparently, he is a doctor and so when Tyler called him this morning at 5:30 AM and described his pain and where the pain was that President Prier knew it was his appendix. President Prier called the stake president in Evanston who is an ENT. The stake president then contacted Dr. Kendricks who he thinks very highly of and asked if he would be Tyler surgeon. The stake president is at the hospital this morning doing surgery and said he would come by and visit Tyler.

President Prier anticipates that Tyler will be able to be discharged from the hospital today. In fact Dr. Kendricks just called me and he confirmed that that is the plan Unless the appendix has actually burst.
Pres Prier anticipates having Tyler stay in Evanston for a couple of days and said he would make sure one of the other Missionaries gave up his bed (And I thought it was cute because he said we’d make sure he washed his sheetsπŸ˜‚). The house Tyler was at last night are the zone leaders of that area and President Prier said they absolutely love Tyler and are excellent Missionaries.

So then they’re hoping to be able to bring Tyler back to Salt Lake this weekend when he’s able to travel more comfortably. President Prier said it’s very important to him that Tyler understands the kind of rest he needs to take in order to recover fully. He said he would be also in contact with the doctor and would make sure that he helped enforce whatever recommendations and make sure Tyler understands how important that is (like a dad figure). He said “Tyler is such a hard-working missionary that I know he would think he didn’t actually need to take time off.”

  • As I said Dr. Kendricks just called me as well to ask if I had any other questions before they took Tyler back for surgery. They’re doing it laparoscopically with three incisions. And then they pull the appendix out of the belly button. And they did the scans this morning at 6:30 AM they believe that the appendix had not ruptured and they started him on antibiotics immediately. He said it’s not very common to have your appendix rupture after you’ve started antibiotics so he’s hopeful. He said he would call me when the surgery was done. He gave the phone to Tyler so I could wish him well. Tyler wasn’t really with it so it was a short conversation. Tyler told me this morning that he did get a blessing from his companions. He said, “Elder wright has very soft hands.” πŸ˜‚ I’m thinking the morphine is doing its job!

  • I could tell President Prier is really an amazing caring man!  It’s pretty wonderful to see someone else who loves your child as much as you do. He said they have 200 missionaries that are all reassigned to his mission. He said some of them have a hard time ever accepting the reassignment. He said he could tell Tyler has had a true personal conversion and he feels like is the “top missionary in the mission.” Hard not to feel a little mama pride after hearing that!

  • Update… Just heard from the doctor. The surgery went well. The appendix did not rupture. He anticipates him being discharged this evening.

  • Well, we both look a little psycho in this picture but I had to do a screenshot. One of Tyler’s companions FaceTimed me so we could chat. I tried to screen record but it didn’t get the voice so unfortunately, I can’t share that. But it was hilarious. The first thing he said is “mom I did drugs!” Then he was telling me how the nurses all saw him naked because he had to take his gown off but he couldn’t do it himself. And then I told him “I can’t believe you get to go home today.” This picture is The face he made right after I told him that. He said “what I’m going home? I don’t wanna go home.” And then he started crying. His companions all reassured him that he was just going home back to the crappy hide-a-bed not home home.  And then one of the companions was super sweet and said that he would give up his bed for him tonight. After chatting for a few minutes Tyler said “I better stop talking cause I might say something embarrassing. I’ll call you later.” He said my abdomen hurts like crazy.

Post Surgery bill:

Monday, April 11, 2022

"The Book of Mormon" Testifies of Christ

This week was a roller coaster. A lot of really good and bad things happened. Even the weather was a roller coaster we had some REALLY warm and sunny days and some quite cold and a lil rain too. 

I also met a lady who at one point had 60 CATS!! So crazy. And don't worry...she is doing a lot better now, and only has 6 lol. 60 is way too many if you ask me...even 6 is too much. 
Exchanges one of the nights

I also was able to be part of probably the loudest sacrament meeting ever. There were so many babies and little kids screaming, it was crazy. Honestly pretty hard to focus s ok sometimes...but also good to know those parents are making church a priority. 
 Elder Nogueira 

Elder Leon

Cute puppy

I had the opportunity to read finish The Book of Mormon this last week. I was reading it through and highlighting all of the references to Jesus Christ. I was honestly pretty amazed how many times His name or a reference to who He is came up. I can now say I KNOW that The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ...just like it says on the cover. Let me be honest for a second though — I kinda hate reading. But I LOVE reading The Book of Mormon. It brings me joy, and I learn something new from it all the time. It helps me with every aspect of my life. I re-extend the invitation given by Moroni at the end of the book and can promise you that if you read The Book of Mormon with a real desire to get an answer and change, then you will also come to know it is a book from God. I know this because I have done it. 

Song of the Week:
- The Lions Mane by Trevor Hall. Shoutout to my buddy Jack, who showed me Trevor Hall. This song is pretty interesting. 

Scripture of the Week:

If you would like to request a free copy of The Book of Mormon you can click HERE
Some crazy sunglasses

Elder Ditto

Monday, April 4, 2022

Same room as the Prophet

Gosh dang, General Conference was amazing!

General Conference pics!!

 The squad

I was able to go to the Sunday afternoon session in person, which was super cool. I've gone 2 other times (when I was 8, and then my freshman year at BYU), but this time was definitely the most memorable and impactful. I actually felt like I was THERE and like wanted to be there. Like I was for real listening and it was awesomeπŸ˜‚ Surprisingly I didn't see anyone I knew, but it was fun sitting with other missionaries. 

Also this week I got to go to Wyoming for a couple days, and do exchanges with some Elders up there. I got to meet a lot of really cool people and learn from the missionaries over there in Wyoming. It was definitely tiring driving around so much. 
Sick bike in Kemmerer WY

Also this week:

- Six Elders and I got stuck on the UTA Train while going back from Conference and got locked in... we eventually made it home safe, though

- I threw up all my lunch cuz I ate too much
Blue vest gang

- Elder Griffiths and I raced on tricycles
We saw Dodi at a pawn shop! 

- Read Alma Chapter 5 a LOT
Me and Elder Nogueira with the green bus

Song of the Week:
- Any song from the Princess and the Frog soundtrack

Scripture of the Week:
- Alma Chapter 5 (The Book of Mormon). Sooo many questions are asked here and I love what is taught in the chapter. 

Elder Ditto