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Monday, May 23, 2022

Let me tell you what brings me joy...

The weeks are going by too fast. I have less than two months left now... I learned so much this week and really had some eye-opening experiences. Let me share a few.
Bottle flipped to prepare for zone Conference 

Running to appointments

I got to listen to the prophet of God speak to the young adults. I listened to it by myself and really felt it. The spirit. A lot of different things stuck out to me, but especially something President Nelson said...
"I have stopped doing things that don't matter."
To watch President Nelson's talk go to minute 28:32

I am not quite there yet. Not at Russell's level but I am trying to get there. And honestly, it's kinda happening without me even trying. My life is getting drowned with amazing things. So I don't have any room for bad things, or even just "good" things, or things that don't matter. It feels good. Sometimes the "natural Tyler" in me misses doing things that don't matter or are not of any importance. But man all the other things I do are so much more enjoyable and impactful. Teaching and baptizing are far more rewarding than taking a long shower, taking a full hour of meals, napping, checking social media, etc... Anyways, I am always trying to do better and humble myself. 

Multi District Council

Another experience I wanted to share briefly, happened a few days ago while knocking on some doors in an apartment complex. We were walking back to the elevator and started talking to this guy named Quentin who just moved here. He was a dope guy with a MASSIVE afro. We started talking about our purpose in life, and what God's plan is for us. We talked about baptism, and how we can feel close to God and receive blessings. Then a lady and a dude came out of the elevator and yelled "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" And looked at my new homie Quentin and said "...are you okay??" Quentin, with a confused face, said "yes I am totally fine...why?" and then the lady walked past him and rubbed his arm and said, "you don't have to talk to them." Then Quentin was like "bro I'm chillin'. These guys are cool God people. You are the one that needs help."

After that experience, I was thinking about how crazy it is to serve in Salt Lake City. I was reminded that this is literally the front lines of the battle between good and evil. Satan is losing...but boy is he trying hard. He sends so many of his destroying angels to the front lines of the battle, with the hope of distracting some of the children of God. And Satan is good at it too. We gotta try our hardest to stay strong and do the little things and surround ourselves with good people in order for us to stand strong against Satan's well-thought-out temptations. 
Me and Elder Burnette

We also saw a SWAT team raid a house and had to stake out the area for over an hour...waiting for the peeps inside to come out. It definitely made morning basketball more interesting.
Knocking doors with Elder Knight 

We also had two Zone conferences this week. They went really well honestly! The trainings and talks that were given were super good and definitely what we missionaries needed. The training my companions and I prepared went well too (I think). I definitely learn a lot when preparing trainings. A lot of missionaries seemed grateful! 
My sleepy companions

Cowboy Canty

We also got to go to Evanston, WY this week to do exchanges. They went really well and I learned a lot. I went with an Elder named Elder Perez Sanchez. He's a beast.
 a lesson with our friend Rae

I got to see Janet again!! 

Anyways...this was a super fun week but SUPER exhausting. I am pretty exhausted most of the time. It's probably the best feeling tho as a missionary. Lots of late nights and early mornings. I really love being a missionary. I am soaking up my time serving the Lord. 

Song of the Week:
- Young Chap's new album "Against The Grain." It's so good! Lemme know if you need the link for it. It's also on all platforms.

Scripture of the Week:
- Jacob 1:4-7 (The Book of Mormon). I know prophets are REAL!!!

And if there were preaching which was asacred, or revelation which was great, or prophesying, that I should engraven the bheads of them upon these plates, and touch upon them as much as it were possible, for Christ’s sake, and for the sake of our people. 
For because of faith and great anxiety, it truly had been made manifest unto us concerning our people, what things should ahappen unto them. 
And we also had many revelations, and the spirit of much prophecy; wherefore, we knew of aChrist and his kingdom, which should come. 
7 Wherefore we labored diligently among our people, that we might persuade them to acome unto Christ, and partake of the goodness of God, that they might enter into his brest, lest by any means he should swear in his wrath they should not center in, as in the dprovocation in the days of temptation while the children of Israel were in the ewilderness.

- Elder Ditto 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing week Tyler - so happy for you. Pedal to the metal - just 2 more months!
