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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Homecoming Weekend

It was so wonderful to have so many family members drive over to hear my mission homecoming talk. It really meant a lot to me.  I LOVED seeing everyone!!


My Fan Club

Mom made Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner.

So fun to be together!

Some thoughts from my dad's journal that he wrote after I reported to the stake high council:

"The highlight of the meeting was having Tyler report on his mission. Sara and Alysee were there, too. After hearing so many missionaries report over the years, it was awesome to have one of my children do it! Alex didn’t have the opportunity as he left for BYU before we had a high council meeting. I was proud of Tyler as he shared some sweet experiences (complete with photos projected, which was a first for our high council meeting) of people he met, taught, loved, and baptized during his mission. He did a great job. He is so confident, poised, and calm. He really speaks with the Spirit. After he concluded, I shared my admiration for Tyler and others who faithfully chose to serve a mission in the midst of the unknowns that COVID brought. It really is amazing to me that he was so accepting, diligent, obedient, and resilient through the ups and downs of a crazy time. Surely he’ll be specially blessed for that. Anyway, that was a pretty good meeting!" - Birch

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