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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Returned with Honor

Quick mom take over:

After serving the Lord faithfully for the past two years, Elder Tyler Ditto comes home!!!  

Alex and Alexa had spent the summer in France, Italy, and Romania.  They flew back to America the night before Tyler was to come home.  They got up early in the morning and SUPRISED Tyler at the Salt Lake City Airport.  Due to some flight delays, they ended up having about an hour to visit.

Alexa, Elder Ditto, Alex

It was a rough day of missing a connecting flight and thankfully catching a shuttle bus back home. He was welcomed home with open arms!! It was extra meaningful that so many people changed up their day schedules to Tyler's flight being missed and then having to wait for the shuttle for several hours.

Elder Ditto and his momma!

Ami and Poppi!!

Elder Ditto's biggest fan club!!

Grannie and Elder Ditto

Chloe and Elder Ditto

Alysee (who just got back from working at an orphanage in Ecuador) and Elder Ditto.

Look at all these people that came to see Elder Ditto!

Alysee made the most fabulous video of Tyler's welcome home:

Wish you were here?  Click here to watch the video:

President Hendricks came over later in the evening to release Tyler as a missionary.  It was a really tender time of each of us sharing what blessings we had experienced over the past two years and also Tyler sharing his testimony.  It was really neat to share this time with Grannie and my parents.  President Hendricks is so thoughtful and caring.

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