Email Tyler at

Monday, January 25, 2021

New Comp, Who Dis?

Hello friends and family!

Sunday at the Dai-ichi ward was awesome!! Elder Godoy came to our ward and that was sooo sick and we got to chat with him for a bit. We also had Brother Gammel (he's so dope) give a talk and played the guitar with his buddy. They played "Come Come Ye Saints," and it was super good. 
The quarantine trio 

This week was transfers week, so Elder Leon got transferred out of the area and is now serving in a new area. 
Saying bye to Elder Leon 

Sooo I got a new companion! His name is Elder Cooper and he is from California. He's pretty cool and we get along pretty well. Hopefully this transfer is a good one. 

This is Elder Cooper 

Elder Cooper and the snow 

Funny thing happened this week that was pretty dang peculiar. Elder Hamner told us about this guy that calls missionaries and has them interpret his dreams for him. Have any of you guys ever heard of him? Because among the missionaries he has called he's an absolute legend. The only name we know him by is Zeid PooPoo. That's how he always introduces himself. He has never actually called us but he has called Elder Hamner and tried to get him to set up an appointment awhile back. It was our last day of Quarantine though and we were heck bored so we decided to give him a call. Sure enough when he picked up we were greeted with "Hello, this is Zeid PooPoo, and the names of the Missionaries I am speaking to?" It was REALLY weird. He kinda sounded like a robot. So I tried asking some weird questions to see if I could trip him up (if he was a robot) but he wasn't. Not really sure why he calls so many missionaires but ya. So maybe we will actually teach him a lesson this week. 
Oh ya, I am the driver now so this is my whip.

I can't really think of anything else crazy that happened this week, and I am running out of time, so this is a shorter email...

Oh but we did go on a hike today so that was awesome!! It was super good to get outside and "play in the snow." 
I wanna climb
P-day hike 

Scripture of the week:
- Mosiah 28 (The Book of Mormon). This chapter is foresee. Highly recommend giving it a read this week. I also listened to Elder Bednars BYU devotional from this last week and that was wayyy good. 

Song of the week:
- High on the Mountain Top by The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

Love, Elder Ditto

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

On the 11th Day of Quarantine...

Wow that was a long week. I never thought I would be so blessed to have this time to study the inside of a hotel. Quarantine life is amazing....

Thankfully we were able to play lots of frisbee this week; even with being in quarantine we were able to go walk around outside each day.

So update: I tested positive for COVID... I GOT IT! When we got our results back, only I tested positive though. Then a few days later Elder Hamner lost his taste. So we got him a rapid test and he tested positive. ðŸ˜· Man that sucks. I am really glad I didn't lose my taste or smell. So now today is our last day of Quarantine so that is hypeeee😉 I hate being inside. 

Since we spent so much time in our hotel this week, I had some extra time to look out yonder... the best part of the week was when I saw some skaters in the parking garage right by our hotel. Of course, as a sad quarantined skater boy would do, I yelled out to them "kickflip check." This lead to like five minutes of this kid trying to gather all his friends together and get them to do a kickflip. Most of them were on longboards, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. After many attempts, this teenager rolled up and hit a clean kickflip. It was pretty dope. I really really wanted to go out and skate with them. It took a lot of self control to not... especially since I was out of Quarantine but still "in" quarantine cuz of Elder Hamner and Elder Leon getting symptoms after me. 
VANS SKATE PARK! Are you kidding me?!

I miss skating ðŸ˜“

Big news!! We are teaching someone new! We got a referral from this guy and now we are teaching this super nice girl and her mom. It's kinda a complicated story with how exactly we are teaching them (not really that weird if you are a Utah missionary, but weird if you aren't), but I can talk about that some other time. So ya we are excited to teach Felicia! 
Elder Leon gets cold easy. 

I convinced Elder Leon to go for a run.

Flipping into a new transfer

And....this week is transfers (every 6 weeks, missionaries get moved around and you get a new companion), and I don't know what exactly is gonna happen but we do know that Elder Leon is getting transferred. I'm staying here but we don't know what exactly will happen with Elder Hamner. He could stay here with me or he could go back upstairs in the hotel and get a new comp. So either I will be with Elder Hamner next transfer or will some rando. I'm nervous and excited. 
There have been some really nice sunsets lately.

I listened to an amazing BYU Devotional (thanks to Ami and Poppi for sending it to me) by Lawrence E. Corbridge. If you have like 20 minutes of free time, GIVE IT A LISTEN. SO SO GOOD. I really loved how simple and straightforward he spoke. I know it is okay to have questions, but also how important it is to have faith. 

Oh also this week we ate some crazy spicy ramen, and I made a little vlog of our experience. So if you want it, then let me know and I'll send it over. 

Scripture of the Week:
- Alma 27:16-19 (The Book of Mormon): 

16 And it came to pass that as Ammon was going forth into the land, that he and his brethren met Alma, over in the aplace of which has been spoken; and behold, this was a joyful meeting.

17 Now the ajoy of Ammon was so great even that he was full; yea, he was swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the bexhausting of his strength; and he fell cagain to the earth.

18 Now was not this aexceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of bhappiness.

19 Now the joy of Alma in meeting his abrethren was truly great, and also the joy of Aaron, of Omner, and Himni; but behold their joy was not that to exceed their strength.

Dang, Alma really knows how to celebrate. Imagine being so stoked that you couldn't even contain it, and you had to pass out and "fall to the earth." I want that. And that's how excited and happy Alma was to see his brothers and friends.

Song of the Week:
- Prayer of the Children by Inside Out A-cappella Group
I really know that through Christ, we can feel love again and feel his love for us. I am so grateful for prayer and for my Savior Jesus Christ.
Top golf view 

Love you all, 
Elder Ditto

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Howdy everyone. Thus week was probably one of the weirdest and hardest weeks of my mission yet. 

I was really struggling with some things at the beginning of the week and was praying even more than I ever have. Being totally honest with you guys...there have been quite a few times when I really really just wanted to go home. And I assume there will be more of those days to come. But Heavenly Father answered my prayers in a weird way. One of the Elders who lives above us in the hotel had to go home this week for some medical reasons (I am really sad he had to go home), so we got the other Elder (Elder Hamner) at least until transfers on the 20th. 

Saying Goodbye to Elder Wolf 

Oh and I got covid (I think... I still haven't gotten my results back from testing) so now we are in quarantine. Quarantine would have been WAY worse if it was just me and Elder Leon. So I am really grateful for Elder Hamner, and we get along well. 
On our way to get covid tested 

Oh also i forgot to tell you guys but last week we taught Kohtatsu a lesson last Sunday and it was FIRE. We taught him about The Plan of Salvation and Happiness. It was super cool. He said he wants to learn more.
I love these signs 

Here is a day in the life for me during a normal day, since lots of my non-missionary friends have asked:
6:30-8: wake up, workout, pray, read some scriptures
8-9: shower, eat breakfast 
9-10: personal study 
10-11:30: comp study 
11:30-12:30: lunch
12:30-1:30: language study 
1:30-5: missionary work (visit people, visit members, make videos, go to meetings)
5-6: dinner 
6-9: visit members, share messages, do missionary work 
9-10: get ready for bed and clean some stuff
10-10:30: get even more ready for bed

And yup... That's about how my life is every day. Missionary work is the fun part and talking to people is my favorite. Everything else is way less fun. I really hate studying for so long in a row but Elder Leon likes to stay home so he can be comfy in his comfy clothes and blanky. Oh well. It's okay. 

Oh also side note: some people thought that I actually have two phones now cuz of a pic I put in last week's email. I only have one phone. And yes it still sucks a lot. The other phone is Elder Leon's. 
Getting our oil changed

Another update: I love Elder Hamner. He is from Colorado and likes to climb. He is super cool and is going to UVU after his mission. Him joining us until the end of the transfer at least and is an answer to a prayer. Quarantining with 3 people is way better.

Random Story: President Prier (our mission president) knocked on our door at 10:15 pm on Friday night and apparently there was a fight and gun shots in and around our hotel and the elders downstairs called him so he came up and checked in on us. It was a super random surprise as we were all in bed trying to sleep. It was good to see President Prier tho. 

We found this shopping cart in the parking garage next door 

Well sorry this email is kinda all over the place. It was a weird week. I hope you all had a good week and are feeling healthy. Love you all and thank you for the prayers. I need them.

Scripture of the Week: 
- 1 Nephi 1:1 (The Book of Mormon): 


I, Nephi, having been aborn of bgoodly cparents, therefore I was dtaught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many eafflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a frecord of my proceedings in my days.


I really love this scripture cuz it reminds me of how lucky I am to have such great parents who raised me well. They really are the best. My challenge to you guys would to just think about your parents and all they have done for you and tell them thank you. They aren't perfect obviously but I am so grateful for my mom and dad. 

Song of the Week:
- On My Mind by Young Chap. 

Young Chap (Nathan, my little bro) has been dropping some fire songs recently. I hope when I come back home he is famous and has got a platinum record company or something. Love u dude. 
Security cam selfie 

Elder Ditto

Monday, January 4, 2021

Winning the Most Important Game of Rock Paper Scissors

 YOOOO! What's good Fam?

Last week on pday, we went to get a Costco membership for Elder Leon (he got one for Christmas), and when you get a Costco membership, you get another "free" one. He said me and another Elder needed to Rock Paper Scissors for the free one. Well I ended up winning the first 2 games and it was best of 3, so I came out victorious. Now I'm a Costco Membership holder😎
Pic with a snowman ⛷

Oh my gosh! Last week I forgot to say thank you to everyone that sent me any letters or packages these past few weeks. They are so so fun to get and I always get so stoked to open them. It makes any day better! Much love goes out to you guys. 
Our hotel room (the one with the blue lights) 

The Salt Lake City Mission set a goal back in October to have 200 baptisms by Christmas. We found out this week that we met our goal (after they changed it to by Christmas weekend)! So that is super cool and exciting. 

Oh also this week I met a guy who used to a member of the Fundamentalist LDS church but a few years ago joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was a super super interesting message and visit. I wish we could have stayed longer honestly haha. I could have talked to him all day. So many crazy stories and he lived a very different life as a kid. 
Good quote from a good song 

Helping Relief Society President load her moving van.

This drink tastes like liquid hi-chews.

Such a dope hole 

Oh and I guess this last week was New Year's. We didn't do that much. We watched "It's a Wonderful Life" and played a few games and ate some food. It was pretty fun. Nothing too crazy. Another year with no New Year's kiss sadly. Oh well, i did get to read this super cool book called The Book of Mormon. I highly suggest it. 

Song of the Week:
- I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz. 

I've always liked this song. And my mom loves Jason Mraz a lot so I remember listening to it since I was young. Try thinking of it as you and God and it's kinda cool to think about. This song bops tho.

Scripture of the Week: 
- We have shared this scripture (Moroni 7:45-48) with people and members we have visited, and I have loved learning from it. 

45 And acharity suffereth long, and is bkind, and cenvieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily dprovoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—

47 But acharity is the pure blove of Christ, and it endureth cforever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, apray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true bfollowers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall cbe like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be dpurifiedeven as he is pure. Amen.

That scripture is all about charity and love and I continue to learn more each time, but one thing that was shared in specific this week really hit me. Our ward mission leader asked what "endureth" or to endure means to us and why charity endureth forever. My first thought was about how being charitable (or at least trying to be) helps me enjoy the moment more and allows me to endure better. 
I cleaned off our counter so I could make a tech deck park. Sooo rad, right! 

our car

A WHOLE box of Book of Mormons

Posing with something who will listen to me

"I got 2 phones... one for the plug and one for the...." ðŸŽ¼

Hurrah for Israel 

Love, Elder Ditto