Email Tyler at

Monday, May 31, 2021

Anime is Life

Aloha friends and family! 
Bye Elder Wright 

This week was transfers! So Elder Wright got moved to downtown SLC and I got a new guy named Elder Jeppson. 
Elder Jeppson 

He is from Pennsylvania and loves Minecraft, YouTube, and video games. He's a pretty interesting and awkward kid, but he likes to work so that's good! I am excited about another transfer here in South Salt Lake. 
Vans skatepark 

MIRACLE of the week: this week we found some SUPER cool people that have the same interests as me. We met this RAD guy named Pasha and he has climbed mountains in the Himalayas and went to Tibet for a Buddhist retreat. He loves climbing and biking and his girlfriend is super cool too. They also have a dope van they live out of for camping. I have definitely seen my talents and hobbies influence and help the people I meet on my mission. 
Pit vipers I bought for cheap from another missionary

Oh I also got a haircut this week from this sick lady, and it got cut pretty dang short so I won't need one for a while I guess haha 

Saying "bye" to members with Elder Wright

Funny Stories of the week: 
- Our friend José was quoting anime under his breath the whole time at church 
- José sprinted across a crosswalk (with 2 seconds left on the red hand sign) like an anime guy and was said that's the only way he will cross crosswalks. It was actually way scary to watch. I thought for sure he was gonna get hit by two different cars 
- Got threatened by a homeless guy 
- I went downstairs at night to get a drink and Elder Jeppson was baking a cake for his 1/2 birthday 

Sick car and Elder Jeppson 

Also update: I am now a district leader (someone who helps a few other companionships and leads district council meetings), which is fun and I am excited to learn more from the people in my district. 
The Japanese gang


Scripture of the Week: 
- Ether 12:4 (The Book of Mormon). As we continue to HOPE for a better world and do everything we can to help that, we will grow in faith and glorify God
Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with asurety bhopefor a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which chope cometh of dfaith, maketh an eanchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in fgood works, being led to gglorify God.

Song of the Week:

Elder Ditto 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Rain Drop....Drop....

What's good brethren and sisteren! 
Rainy day and umbrella 

This week is transfers, so a lot of changes coming soon probably. I will give you all the updates next week in my email hopefully! 

Here are some updates that happened this week: 

Rad dude I met at the skatepark 

Skate for Jesus: I got to skate last week for peeday and we are going today again too. It was so fun getting to use my board finally and getting back into the groove. 
Moving the giant shed with little pvc pipes 

PVC and Shed: we made a sick contraption with the young men in the ward to move this big shed with only manpower. It worked surprisingly well

Donut Man: on our way home from a lesson, this random old man pulled up onto the curb almost hit us, and then rolled down his window and said she "HEY you want a donut?" It was such a random and weird experience but also very nice of him 
I did some yard work this week for service.

Poor Week: We got our MSF (bi-weekly mission funds) decreased to 70 bucks. So looks like I'm gonna be eating lots of beans and rice now. 70 bucks for 2-3 weeks is definitely cutting it close lol. 

Gardening: I bought a jalapeno plant and trying to keep it alive rn 

Nepal Kids: Met a lot of super sick kids from Nepal who love us missionaries 
Sick truck 

Famous music: I met this guy from one of the wards we cover who plays the french horn with Lexi Walker and all these other famous people. He also has played in a lot of plays too and done some other sick stuff. 

Quote of the Week:
- "The Book of Mormon really does hit deeply" - José. This is from a guy that we are teaching and he is so cool! So true. B
 Saying "bye" to these girls we are teaching from the DR. 

Scripture of the Week: 
- Alma 32:28 (The Book of Mormon). This is actually a scripture that one of the girls we are teaching from the Dominican Republic shared with me! She said it is one of her favorites because it talks about faith and how we need to always be trying our best. 
28 Now, we will compare the word unto a aseed. Now, if ye give place, that a bseed may be planted in your cheart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your dunbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves—It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to eenlighten my funderstanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.

Song of the Week:
- Oogway Accends by Hans Zimmer. Hans is way good 

Love your favorite missionary,
Elder Ditto 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Grammy Grillz

 What. A. Week. I'm just gonna skip right into some bullet points of some of the highlights of this week:
Rad wall 

- Check Apple Maps in a few weeks on like Fenton Cove and 300 East, and you will see me and Elder Wright walking down the road 😎

- This guy Eddie from deep in Chicago told me I remind him of Mitt Romney. No idea what that means or if it's a compliment...but I'll take it 
Zoom call set up 😍🔥

- I saw this grandma who had GOLD grillz on👑💎💍

- This guy Max pulled up with a sick motorcycle 🛵 and then said "HEY, do you guys have a Book of Mormon? I NEED one now". Then we gave him one, and started to talk and then he just said "Okay, thanks. I will call you if I have any questions. BYE!" 
Superrr good Japanese candy 🥇

- THEN like 30 seconds later, then Brazilian 🇧🇷 lady like drifted into the spot right by us and jumped out with a baby and said we answered her prayer and asked for a blessing

- We got fed this crazy beef and rice (?) dish from this lady and it was full of hair and other "accessories"....YuMmY
Bird poop 

- A bird pooped on me 💩

- I met a lady named Birtha! (Idk how to spell it)

- A guy drove by BLASTING the Cool Runnings soundtrack!🇯🇲
Sunset with Elder Wright and our ward mission leader 

- sooo many people waved to us and then flipped us off after 😥
Zone Conference picture

- Our friend who is trying to stop smoking came to church this week! Soooo hype!!

I also wanted do share a little about FAITH. That is something we talked about a LOT this week. Faith is something we have to work for and really work at. It is such a powerful thing that I think many people overlook. A question that President Nelson asked us is "What would you do if had more faith?" So that would also be my challenge to you!  

Scripture of the Week:
- Ether 12:30 (The Book of Mormon). This talks all about how important faith is and that it can move mountains!
30 For the brother of Jared said unto the mountain Zerin, aRemove—and it was removed. And if he had not had faith it would not have moved; wherefore thou workest after men have faith.

Song  of the Week:
- I Can See Clearly Now by Jimmy Cliff. This is a song from Cool Runnings that is so fire! Give it a listen 

Elder Ditto 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Progress and Looking for Positives

What's up everyone! Welcome back. First off - I would LOVE to hear from all of you, so please shoot me an email and update me on how you're doing. 


Mailing address:

Elder Tyler Ditto
Utah Salt Lake Mission
3487 S 1300 E
West Entrance
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Elder Ditto

Some exciting stuff happened this week. We are seeing that COVID related restrictions are slowly being lifted. We no longer have to wear masks if the person we are meeting with feels comfortable with us not wearing them. There are also a whole other list of little things that are changing. 
Rubber're the one! 

First off, I wanna tell you guys about this really cool guy we are teaching who is from Cali and his family are members of the church but he is not. We have been talking a lot about why it is important to have organized religion and the blessings that come from that. Side note: He has the sickest and LONGest dreads ever. But anyways he is such a rad dude and I am excited to see him learn more! 
I love the mountains!

a cool woodpecker I saw 

Oh also this week we saw this crazy fight and this guy pulled out a glock, so we dipped. We also saw three different car accidents happen while we were walking around. Luckily, everyone was okay but they were super gnarly wrecks. Stay safe everyone 
our busy stop 

HUGE shoutout to my beautiful Mom and for all the Mother figures in my life. Moms are by far the best and I am grateful for all those ladies that helped me become who I am now. I 💛 Moms! 
 lots of biking 

Well that's really it for this email. If you have any questions you want me to answer then let me know and I will respond! U Rock

Scripture of the Week:
- Mosiah 2:24 (The Book of Mormon). This scripture PROMISES that as we follow God's commandments that we will be blessed IMMEDIATELY! Such a sick blessing and promise! 
24 And secondly, he doth arequire that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bblessyou; and therefore he hath paid you. And ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever; therefore, of what have ye to boast?

Song  of the Week:
- I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go by The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. 

This song is fire and totally relates to so many people right now in the world. Trust in the Lords' work and his plan! 
I got a full Japanese name tag! Super sick. And hopefully I can use it in Japan lol

Elder Ditto 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Do Good!

What a week! Some pretty cool and good things happened that I wanna share with you all! 
 Sunset and bikes!

Little baby bike I had to ride since my other bike broke.

Sick sticker this guy gave me that I met

First off: these past like two weeks we have gotten three different people to commit to being baptized on a a certain date, which is super exciting! One is an older guy who we are working with to try to get him to quit smoking cigarettes, one is a 9 year old girl who is so kind to everyone, and one is a 15 yr old girl who competed in the Pan-American Olympics and is going to the Junior Olympics in like June for gymnastics! 🥇
We made a pack of fake cigarettes with motivational thoughts and scriptures to help the older guy we are teaching to quit smoking.

Vaccine pics from last week with Elder Wright

I saw Elder Peterson last week while getting my second vaccine.

We got to do quite a bit of service this week! We mowed some people's lawns, did some edging, and then set up a sweet squat rack for someone we are teaching! I LOVE serving people and it felt so good to do some yard work like the good ol' days!
New shades

We also had this really cool experience where we were doing a "Blitz" (where a couple sets of missionaries all come into one area and go off doing missionary work for a few hours) and an "exchange" (where you switch missionary companions for a few hours), and we met SO many cool people. One experience in specific stuck out, and that was when we knocked on this guys door and he answered (not wearing any pants) and told us to come in (don't worry...he put on pants) and he said he had lots of questions for us. This guy was so cool! He is way young and already teaches 7th grade. 👨🏫 He started off our conversation saying he was not interested at all, and just wanted some answers. But after we talked for a little while he ended up really have a desire to know more. I KNOW that God loves each of us and had a plan for us. This young guy already had a lot of hard things happen in his life, but God has a plan for him too! Just like you and me. ❤
We completed the lil Yachty poster.

I customized my Preach My Gospel

Finally, I wanna share about this super nice family who is from Samoa and Hawaii. They are so cool and the nicest people! He even had a HUGE prayer board full off over 400 people who he prays about and thinks about all the time. SO COOL! And his daughter is blind and reads braille! She knows the Bible inside and out. I strive to know the scriptures like she does. When I was reading 3 Nephi 12:6, she immediately knew that it was also referencing Matthew. What an amazing family I got the opportunity to meet. 
Weird drink from the Asian market 

LAST THING: We got a new bishop in one of the wards I cover. Getting to be apart of a bishop change doesn't happen that often, so it was really cool to get to see that and be apart of it! I am excited to see how it goes from here on out. 
Saying "bye" to my man Rudy 😔

Song of the Week:
- Small Things by Leah Campbell. This song is from the 2021 youth album and it is way good! The message behind it is 🔥🔥

Scripture of the Week:
- 3 Nephi 12:6 (The Book of Mormon). I LOVE this scripture! I know that as we continue to have the desire to learn more about The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will he blessed as we have righteous desires! 

And blessed are all they who do ahunger and bthirst after crighteousness, for they shall be dfilled with the Holy Ghost.

Elder Ditto