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Monday, June 28, 2021

Playing with H-O-R-S-E's

Aloha familia and amigos! 

This last week started off pretty lame cuz I was sick and did NOT feel good for most of the week. But I took a few naps and lots of pills and now I am almost back to 100%. 

Only 1 more week and a few days until transfers! I am excited to see what will happen to me and Elder Jeppson. 
Shoutout to Dittofilm Media! Thanks for the hat Kelly!

Here are some notable events from the week:

Missing Cat and Wanting Jesus:
- Okay so like a month or two ago when I was with Elder Wright, we were walking back from a lesson and a lady pulled over and was freaking out and handed us a paper telling us we need to find her cat. Anyways...we put that paper on our front door and never found the cat. Then this last week we were walking by this house and I was like " that the cat in the picture on our door?" And then I started to talk to the people by the house. And turns out THAT WAS THE CAT! That's not even the craziest part. So they found their cat a few days before that and then they invited us over to talk about what we believe in! What a crazy turn of events. 

Amber Alert:
- On Friday evening we got a text about an Amber Alert for this girl who is missing. Then on Saturday, we got a call from this kid we were meeting with and teaching and he's like freaking out over the phone and saying how he saved this girl's life and had to fight off these guys and call the cops and the guys were all bloody, etc. HE FOUND THE GIRL FROM THE AMBER ALERT! Holy cow what a blessing and answer to so many people's prayers. Nelson saved the day!
Cute dog

Some Good ol' Fashion Rude People:
- I got told to hang myself from some guy while I was biking by him and said "hello." 
- Got flipped off a lot this week 
- Got threatened with a gun (sounds worse than it was)
- Said I worship "Mormon Jesus"
- While we were talking with this cool kid who was skating, someone drove by and yelled, "Leave that kid alone! He's just trying to skateboard!"And then the skateboard guy looks at us and says "what the ****. Does that happen to you guys a lot? That's so rude and messed up. Why doesn't he at least try talking to you? I appreciate how nice and cool you guys are." Thanks bruther for sticking up for us 🙏✌

Other notable events:
- got to play H-O-R-S-E with our friend Dave. Don't worry...I won 
- Saturday was SUPER busy 
- We met eight awesome new people this week that want to come closer to God
- Met this lady and shared a scripture with her and after we shared it she gave me her cigarette. She wants to stop smoking. Don't worry...I didn't smoke it 
- I lent this guy we are teaching by phone (he is trying to get over his heavy drug addiction) and then he dropped my phone and it almost fell over the balcony of the five-story apartment complex... not cool dude. Luckily God saved it cuz it was for sure gonna go all the way down.

Basketball with Dave and Brother Coombs 

Scripture of the Week: 
- Mark 2:26-27 (The New Testament). These scriptures talks about the Sabbath Day! I love thinking of the Sabbath and how I can better honor the Sabbath. Is there anything in your life that you feel like you could change to honor the Sabbath more and show your love and respect for Jesus Christ and your Heavenly Father? 
26 Wherefore the Sabbath was given unto man for a day of rest; and also that man should glorify God, and not that man should not eat; 
27 For the Son of man made the Sabbath day, therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath.
Song of the Week:
- Home by Philip Phillips. So good.

Elder Ditto 

Monday, June 21, 2021

House Fire and Cosmo

Another one in the books!
sick bike

First off - last week I got to go skate again on peeday but it was like 107 degrees so I was dying. We skated for 5 hours at 2 different parks. I seriously can't tell you how hot I felt. I ended up getting a bit burnt and was crazy exhausted after. BUT I met some super rad people. I will attach a pic of me and Elder Nogueira with our buddy Matthew we met. Kinda a long story but it was cool cuz his mom said I was an answer to her prayers being there at the park and talking to her 2 kids. 
Me and Nog and Matthew 

We also had a FIRE (good) Zone Conference and then after, we walked outside and there was a building on FIRE (like real fire). So that was kinda wild.
Smoke and fire 

I met Cosmo (one of them) and we figured out that there were many times when we were at the same events and I took pics with him haha. So shoutout to the BYU mascot. Go cougs 🐆
Giving the braille Book of Mormon to our friend 

The Keele family moved to Iowa:( very sad. Got to help them move and say bye. 
Saying "bye" to the Keeles 

Me and Elder Jeppson spoke in church this week which was fun. I talked about Fathers (both Heavenly and Earthly). 
My parents were able to listen/watch my talk over zoom and took this picture

Sad news: José is unsure about if he wants to get baptized now. I can't really explain everything cuz it would take way too long and I don't even understand it anyways. But keep him in your prayers, please. 
Best song ever and best movie ever 

More sad news: We invited SO many people to come listen to us speak in church and basically nobody came... only 2 peeps came. Which is super lame. Cuz SO many go them PROMISED they would be there. So that is kinda frustrating 
Dog shaking my hand 

Funny moment of the week: Someone in the middle of their talk in church, started to sing a hymn, instead of quoting it. I wasn't expecting it and it was acapella. 

Scripture of the Week: 
- Ether 12:4 (The Book of Mormon). This scripture talks all about faith and hope and how we can HOPE a better world. 
Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with asurety bhopefor a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which chope cometh of dfaith, maketh an eanchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in fgood works, being led to gglorify God.
Song of the Week:
- When I am Baptized. We had a baptism this week for a young boy in one of the wards we cover. We got to bring some of our friends who are working towards being baptized to it. It was pretty gnar.

Elder Ditto 

Monday, June 14, 2021

Catching Birds and Braille

Please pray for my body to survive this next week's heatwave. It's supposed to be over 100 every day. Not sick. 

Little brother Duke 

For real though, this week was pretty hot too. I didn't realize how much I don't like the heat until I am walking and biking around all day every day. 

Noteworthy things of the week:
- I caught a bird (see pic) 🐦
Bird I caught 

- Someone we are teaching gave me some gold they mined 🤑

- I popped my bike tire again 😖

- Young chap and Genre got arrested (Nate and Coop)🔫. Don't worry they are good now and it was a mistake.
Go check out Young Chaps new EP

- Jose came to youth group this week! He's making lots of friends 

- My companion ran out of TP 💩 while poopin at one of our investigator's houses and they don't have any walls on their bathroom yet so I had to walk in and now I'm scarred. It was pretty funny I guess. ☠
Elder Jeppson in his natural state 

- WE GOT A BRAILLE BOM for our friend, Josephine and we are giving it to her on Tuesday. I'm hyped. 
Braille Book of Mormon! 

- Someone in the ward we are over passed away this last week, and we were able to go visit him, and man he is such a good guy. Made me really grateful for my family 

Scripture of the Week: 
- Moroni 7:40-44
- This week I thought a lot about faith and hope. Something really cool that a guy said we were talking with was that "faith is belief turned into action." I love that. What does faith mean to you? 

40 And again, my beloved brethren, I would speak unto you concerning ahope. How is it that ye can attain unto faith, save ye shall have hope?

41 And what is it that ye shall ahope for? Behold I say unto you that ye shall have bhope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life ceternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise.

42 Wherefore, if a man have afaith he bmust needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope.

43 And again, behold I say unto you that he cannot have faith and hope, save he shall be ameek, and lowly of heart.

44 If so, his afaith and hope is vain, for none is bacceptablebefore God, save the cmeek and lowly in heart; and if a man be meek and lowly in heart, and dconfesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must needs have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he must needs have charity.

Song of the Week:

Elder Ditto 

Monday, June 7, 2021

Take me out to the ballgame!


Bees game

This week started off WAY sick. We went to a Bees baseball game (Utah's minor league team) last peeday. It was crazy. We were like celebrities there haha. So many people talked to us and wanted to pay for us 😂 It was really nice of them. We also got some really rude responses and people. But that's okay. Those people are sometimes funnier anyways. The Bees lost sadly but it was still worth it. We also got on the JUMBO-TRON which was rad. We had a huge dance-off. My companion didn't go to the game tho cuz he doesn't like baseball (or sports in general really). 

So fun seeing the Akins!

The rest of the week was not quite as dope and honestly went by really slow. Here are some highlights tho:

- Met this nice lady named Heidi and we helped her do yard work and helped cheer her up because she has pretty bad depression 

- I met a guy from YAKIMA! He was born there but never lived there really and hasn't gone back. It was pretty crazy to meet someone from there and it was fun to connect. 🏡

- I found out that Elder Jeppsom has NEVER had Taco Bell... Epic Bruh Moment 🌮

- It got up to 104 this week. WAYYY too hot... I thought I was gonna die 

- Got asked out of a date🔒

- Met a crazy guy who sells drugs💉 out of his backroom and was on a phone call to get some more xanax when we came in. 

- Elder Jeppson Prefers WARM soda and water... GROSS🚫

- Sick exchanges with Elder Ellis and then Elder Moss
Exchanges with Elder Moss

- Got to teach primary, which was really fun 👶

- I met a guy who looks JUST like Grandpa Ken. It was crazy. He talked like him and acted like him and liked the same stuff (or so I have been told I guess cuz I was so young when he passed away). It was honestly a huge tender mercy and I definitely felt Grandpa there with me. What a blessing.
Gorgeous sunset

Also here is a quick update on Jose: He is one date to be baptized on the 26th of June. He came to church again and it such a beast of a kid. Really interesting guy but super cool. He loved church and is making friends with all the kids his age. Keep him and his family in your prayers, please. 


Overall a solid week. Felt like years but oh well. Hopefully, this next week is not like that. 
Waiting 4 da trax

Scripture of the Week: 
- 2 Corinthians 12:9 (The New Testament). Man, this scripture is FIRE. It brought me a lot of strength and comfort this week especially. 
And he said unto me, My agrace is sufficient for thee: for my bstrength is made perfect in cweakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may drest upon me.

Song of the Week:
- Priceless from the 2017 Japanese Youth Album

Elder Ditto