Email Tyler at

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Homecoming Weekend

It was so wonderful to have so many family members drive over to hear my mission homecoming talk. It really meant a lot to me.  I LOVED seeing everyone!!


My Fan Club

Mom made Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner.

So fun to be together!

Some thoughts from my dad's journal that he wrote after I reported to the stake high council:

"The highlight of the meeting was having Tyler report on his mission. Sara and Alysee were there, too. After hearing so many missionaries report over the years, it was awesome to have one of my children do it! Alex didn’t have the opportunity as he left for BYU before we had a high council meeting. I was proud of Tyler as he shared some sweet experiences (complete with photos projected, which was a first for our high council meeting) of people he met, taught, loved, and baptized during his mission. He did a great job. He is so confident, poised, and calm. He really speaks with the Spirit. After he concluded, I shared my admiration for Tyler and others who faithfully chose to serve a mission in the midst of the unknowns that COVID brought. It really is amazing to me that he was so accepting, diligent, obedient, and resilient through the ups and downs of a crazy time. Surely he’ll be specially blessed for that. Anyway, that was a pretty good meeting!" - Birch

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Returned with Honor

Quick mom take over:

After serving the Lord faithfully for the past two years, Elder Tyler Ditto comes home!!!  

Alex and Alexa had spent the summer in France, Italy, and Romania.  They flew back to America the night before Tyler was to come home.  They got up early in the morning and SUPRISED Tyler at the Salt Lake City Airport.  Due to some flight delays, they ended up having about an hour to visit.

Alexa, Elder Ditto, Alex

It was a rough day of missing a connecting flight and thankfully catching a shuttle bus back home. He was welcomed home with open arms!! It was extra meaningful that so many people changed up their day schedules to Tyler's flight being missed and then having to wait for the shuttle for several hours.

Elder Ditto and his momma!

Ami and Poppi!!

Elder Ditto's biggest fan club!!

Grannie and Elder Ditto

Chloe and Elder Ditto

Alysee (who just got back from working at an orphanage in Ecuador) and Elder Ditto.

Look at all these people that came to see Elder Ditto!

Alysee made the most fabulous video of Tyler's welcome home:

Wish you were here?  Click here to watch the video:

President Hendricks came over later in the evening to release Tyler as a missionary.  It was a really tender time of each of us sharing what blessings we had experienced over the past two years and also Tyler sharing his testimony.  It was really neat to share this time with Grannie and my parents.  President Hendricks is so thoughtful and caring.

Monday, July 18, 2022

The Week of Lasts

Well, this is it! The last one. Last email. Last pday. This last week was full of "lasts." And honestly, I don't really know what to say in this email. I'm kinda excited to not have to write then anymore haha. But I am grateful that I did, so I can look back at them. 
Me and Presdient and Sister Condie

Thank you to whoever would read these or look at the pictures at least. I will list off some highlights from this week: 

- Elder Nogueira asked a 12-year-old if she works night shiftsπŸ˜‚

- We met a lot of atheists this week; there is a lot here in SLC. It mostly just makes me sad that a lot of them just had one bad experience with someone in some sort of church and now because of that, they choose to deny God and not believe in Him. 
Met Elder Welton's parents! 

- We had sushi!!! Delicious. Probably not as good as Japan...but I don't know anything different πŸ˜ͺ

Me and Brother and Sister Sherry

- Finished and basically started "MyPlan"
Driving the van

- Crazy rain and lightning storm

- Met a family who speaks a language where you have to click your tongue (I can't render what its called)
Elder Martinez looking happy with his food

- Had my departing interview

- Found out our church fob opens up an apartment complex in our area!!! Clutch. We can now knock it any day of the week haha. 

Pass off lesson 

- Had a pass-off lesson with the temple square sisters
I saw Elder Cleverly this week!!

- my last sacrament meeting as a full-time servant of the Lord

The next few days will be busy with picking up 17 new missionaries, helping them get oriented, and introducing them to the USLCM. I am excited to end strong and get to help these missionaries to finish strong. 

Honestly, I don't really know what to say here in this email. I don't wanna say too much and take away from my content in my homecoming talk haha. 

But I think to sum up my mission, I will end with an experience I had this week that reminded me of God's love for us. I was with Elder Scott, and we were about to have dinner with President Condie. But there was a long wait until we were able to be seated. So Elder Scott and I decided to go out and knock on some doors and street contact before dinner. We walked around and met quite a few people. It was awesome. Right as we were heading back to the restaurant, we walked past this teenage guy who was standing in his garage. We both kind of walked past him at first. I decided to turn and say hello and ask him for his name. We walked over to him and talked for a few minutes. This kid seemed very sad and lost. He had marks all over his neck and a crazy rash on his chest and limbs. His knees were bruised and his eyes seemed very red and almost scared. His phone was completed shattered and destroyed by his feet and there was a car battery by his feet, with an electrical cord hanging from the ceiling. I don't want to be too descriptive, but we ended up talking to him about God, prayer, and baptism. Left him with a picture of Jesus and made sure he knows God loves him. Then he walked back to his house and left everything outside. I'm not sure what ended up happening with him, because we sent the family ward Elders back to visit him. But it was a good reminder about how God knows us individually. Like not just as humans. But as His child. I pray that you all feel that love and also find those opportunities to show love to those around you. 

I love you all and thank you for following me along for the ride. 

If you want to attend my homecoming talk, then let me know and I can get you more info. Or if you'd like to watch via zoom then I have a link for that too. 

Song of the Week:


1. ‘Tis sweet to sing the matchless love Of Him who left his home above And came to earth–oh, wondrous plan–To suffer, bleed, and die for man!

(Chorus)For Jesus died on Calvary, That all thru him might ransomed be. Then sing hosannas to his name; Let heav’n and earth his love proclaim.

2. ‘Tis good to meet each Sabbath dayAnd, in his own appointed way, Partake the emblems of his death,And thus renew our love and faith.

3. Oh, blessed hour! communion sweet! When children, friends, and teachers meetAnd, in remembrance of his grace,Unite in sweetest songs of praise.

Scripture of the Week:
- The Book of Mormon Questions. I just finished reading the Book of Mormon and highlighting all the questions that are asked in it. I learned a lot about questions and what makes up an effective question. The Angels are REALLY good at asking questions. 

Elder Ditto 


Monday, July 11, 2022

Crying at a Dinner Appointment

I pray you all had an enjoyable and safe 4th of July this last week. 
 Member dinner with the Robinson's 

Ours was good! We even got to see a few fireworks on our drive home that night. But the crazy part was, we were trying to visit someone we are trying to teach in an apartment complex in the Gateway mall area...but they had this huge 4th of July party event going on. There were so many people and the roads were blocked off, so we couldn't even get into the complex we wanted to. I guess satan works in strange ways sometimes. 
Me and Mateo. I'm wearing the tie he gave me.

Come Follow Me (bible study) group pic

This week we had MLC with President Condie and his wife. It was quite different than what MLC normally has looked like in this mission, which was a reminder that change is good, and it allows for new ideas and thoughts to be shared. Overall a really good meeting. 

Other notable events: 

- We met a University of Utah football player who said we can come back and talk about our faith. 

- We got fed by some members on Saturday, and I started to cry when I was getting the food served lol. 
Idk what happened but apparently I was really excited and grateful for the time they took to make a nice dinner. I think it mostly just reminded me of my mom...who I miss a lot. Love you, mom!
Crazy people

- Saw these young people protesting with the American flag being flown upside down. Pretty crazy what's happening in the world. I am not even a political person, but it makes me sad that people feel like they need to express themselves with those vulgar words, etc. 
 The Ensign College Instagram story

- Went to a little Ensign college event/party and made it on their Instagram 
Dodi and the companionship 

Elder Thiess, Nogueira and myself 

Song of the Week:
- Lord, I Would Follow Thee. I love the line "Savior, may I learn to love thee." I know I have learned to love my Savior. I am so grateful for the time I get to serve Him in this unique way. I am excited to continue to dedicate my life to Him. 

Scripture of the Week:
- John 15:12 (The New Testament). I know that loving those around us is a commandment from God. I have really grown in this aspect as I have gotten to serve a mission. I hope we all strive to love more and pray for those around us. 
12 This is my commandment, That ye alove one another, as I have bloved you.
Me and Elder Kongaika

Elder Ditto 

Monday, July 4, 2022

Goodbye Priers, Hello Condies!

It's official!! The Priers are gone, and now we have a new Mission President! President and Sister Condie are amazing. 

They do things and think WAY differently than the Priers, but they are bringing new ideas and thoughts to the mission. It's especially crazy getting a new Mission President because he is brand new to the mission, but he is expected to lead it right away and help counsel other missionaries. So we have been trying our best to catch them up to speed on everything. This has been a good reminder that change is good and brings growth. 

A few notable points from the week:
Meet and Greet pics

- Held "Meet and Greets" throughout the mission. Got to go to Evanston, Wyoming again, which is fun. Also enjoyed lunch with the Condies in Coalville
Elder Knight and I

- Finished up a lot of last-minute things to help the Priers leave with peace and the Condies come in with peace
Elder Nogueira, Martinez and myself

- Sad hugs and goodbyes to the Priers
Me pondering

We had a scary encounter with a lady who went into a panic attack and seizure while we were at the U of U institute waiting to teach someone. I was standing by this young lady, and she just turned and looked at me with fear in her eyes. She reach out her hand and I grabbed it while smiling and trying to give her some words of comfort. Then she said a few words and her whole body got super tight. She started to fall off her seat so I ran around the table and slowly lowered her onto the ground. Then she started to seize. While saying prayers in my head, I tried to look around and call for some help from someone who is a little more knowledgeable than me in the medical field haha. Nobody else was there. So I kept trying to comfort her with my words. Eventually, she stopped seizing and I turned her on her side cuz she started to spit up a lot. She was still unresponsive this whole time tho. A few minutes later, a medical person from FSY showed up and a few minutes later a police officer and then the ambulance came. They took over and were able to help the lady out. It was especially crazy cuz she said she has never had a seizure before. She even called us later that night saying she wanted to meet up and say thank you. I know God is in the details and cares about each of us as individuals. 

Pretty wild week. I just wanted to say thank you to my parents for teaching me everything I know basically. They are the best. Also thank you to everyone who has served our country. Such a blessing getting to live in a free country. Happy 4th! 

Song of the Week:

Scripture of the Week:
- 3 Nephi 5:13 (The Book of Mormon). This is our new mission scripture, so I gotta put it somewhere. 
13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been acalled of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

Elder Ditto